Ha! If that title doesn't send you running and screaming, what will? Guess you know what's going on with me now, huh?
What's been happening? Tonight Emma gets to sleep in her own bed for the first time in more than five weeks. Poor kid. On the day that Takayo left, my mom, sister, and other sister's son arrived. They left that Thursday, and Emma and Audrey went to Justin's mom's house that day and are returning today.
What did we do while Mom, Laura, and Andrew were here? Um... Not much really. Some shopping. Some eating out. Went to the park. Swam in the pool. Gathered eggs. I'm afraid I was too worn out from the previous weeks to do much entertaining. Hope they didn't mind too much.
I told Justin the other day that I want a tattoo. Don't know where, don't know what, but I want one. Probably not the best reason to get one, but it's actually better than the reason for my first one! I have a tattoo of a gecko. Thought it was cute. However, didn't realize it was a "Gecko" as in logo for clothing. What a dork I am! So I want it redone/covered. I talked to someone and she told me to think about what I want, not what I think this can be turned into, but what I would actually want as a tattoo. I'm thinking trees. Justin suggested willow tree ala Willow Creek Angus. Sounds good! So now it will be the reward for losing weight. You'd think having clothes that fit would be reward enough, but I guess not.
I finished reading a Marian Keyes book this morning. (it's due at the library today and I can't renew it since somebody has it on hold) I think Anybody Out There was the title. Still a funny, highly enjoyable book by an author I love, but also a tear-jerker! Sheesh! I hadn't liked Rachel's Holiday as much as others but kept reading it anyway and in the end loved it. So I figured I'd better chug on with this one even though it made me uncomfortable. Good book. Won't say too much about it--no spoilers here!
One great thing about books by Marian Keyes is the language. I learn the best words! Feck, yokes, gobshite... great words! But not likely to make their way into my daily vocabulary. Or will they??
I have another book by the same author checked out, and I also have one on hold at the library. Add to that the other books lying around the house that I'm in the middle of: Devil in the White City and Coroner's Lunch. Good thing the girls are starting school soon! Um, I mean, I'm sure I'll be, uh, doing housework and stuff, um, while they are in school. No time to read! No sir! Just work work work. Yep. That's it.
Oh! Good news! The front walk is just about done. We put in a flagstone walk to the front of the house. It's been sitting there not done all summer. Justin and I worked on it this weekend. Yay! Now all the stones are set in place, even, not rocking, and filled in with topsoil. I still need to reset a few of the stones that are wiggly and then plant the groundcover in some of the spaces. So nice to finally have it done. Why the heck didn't we do it sooner? I dunno.
“The greatest gift is a passion for reading. It is cheap, it consoles, it distracts, it excites, it gives you knowledge of the world and experience of a wide kind. It is a moral illumination.” Elizabeth Hardwick
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Sunday, August 20, 2006
A teary morning
Takayo left this morning. We were the first to arrive at the church (have I ever been early/first for anything?? I think not) and Takayo's suitcase was packed tight and her carry-ons all legal. Whew! Everything was going well until it was time to load up the bus. That's when the tears came........
At the farewell party Friday night each student read a letter they had written to their host family. Most of the girls cried while reading theirs, but Takayo was very strong and didn't cry. I have to admit, that it made me wonder if maybe her time here wasn't as special to her as it was for her classmates. Guess I was wrong. As we started heading to the bus Takayo started crying and crying. There were so many hugs between us all and so many loving words. Emma was pretty stoic for a while, but as soon as the bus pulled away her tears started to fall. And they haven't stopped yet. Audrey is sad too, but in a different way. Emma and Takayo had a great relationship and played a lot around here. They were getting much better at communicating with one another too. It was wonderful to see them both grow in that area.
Takayo and Emma weren't the only ones crying. Yep, yours truly shed some tears too. I hugged Ayako and Ran too, a couple of the girls we got to know a bit better than the others. Ayako and Takayo became very close friends so she spent a little more time with us. And Ran's host family and ours carpooled, so we got to know Ran as well.
I smell a delicious breakfast being cooked by Justin so I will stop for now. I can't believe I'm up so early.....
Why can't we get all the people together in the world that we really like and then just stay together? I guess that wouldn't work. Someone would leave. Someone always leaves. Then we would have to say good-bye. I hate good-byes. I know what I need. I need more hellos. ~Charles M. Schulz
At the farewell party Friday night each student read a letter they had written to their host family. Most of the girls cried while reading theirs, but Takayo was very strong and didn't cry. I have to admit, that it made me wonder if maybe her time here wasn't as special to her as it was for her classmates. Guess I was wrong. As we started heading to the bus Takayo started crying and crying. There were so many hugs between us all and so many loving words. Emma was pretty stoic for a while, but as soon as the bus pulled away her tears started to fall. And they haven't stopped yet. Audrey is sad too, but in a different way. Emma and Takayo had a great relationship and played a lot around here. They were getting much better at communicating with one another too. It was wonderful to see them both grow in that area.
Takayo and Emma weren't the only ones crying. Yep, yours truly shed some tears too. I hugged Ayako and Ran too, a couple of the girls we got to know a bit better than the others. Ayako and Takayo became very close friends so she spent a little more time with us. And Ran's host family and ours carpooled, so we got to know Ran as well.
I smell a delicious breakfast being cooked by Justin so I will stop for now. I can't believe I'm up so early.....
Why can't we get all the people together in the world that we really like and then just stay together? I guess that wouldn't work. Someone would leave. Someone always leaves. Then we would have to say good-bye. I hate good-byes. I know what I need. I need more hellos. ~Charles M. Schulz
Saturday, August 19, 2006

Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Monday, August 14, 2006
"Ya can't roller skate in a buffalo herd"

We went to Silverdale this past weekend and stayed with Barbara and Del (Justin's mom and step-dad). We had a great time visiting, enjoying thier incredible garden and view, and showing Takayo around. Emma and Audrey were especially excited to show Takayo the big swing! On Saturday we went to Sequim to the Olympic Game Farm. We'd been there once before and it is one of the most fun places to go! Lots of pictures, lots of yelling and screaming, a very dirty car--inside and out--and oh so much fun!
Today Takayo is going to Issaquah. One of the other moms picked her up this morning and will bring her back this evening. Easy day for me! I think I'll take Emma and Audrey school supply shopping today. I signed up to bring water and snacks for the students tomorrow, so might as well run a few other errands at the same time. If I didn't need to pick up those things, I'd probably just stay home all day. Recover from a busier than normal week last week!
Hmmm....not really a whole lot to report today. At least not yet. Erg, I think I hear my puzzle table being moved around downstairs. Hope I don't have to pick up 1000 pieces going overboard. Poor Emma and Audrey, the table must be blocking their view of the tv from the couch. Don't you just feel so sorry for them?? Time to kick them in the butts and run our errands! If we go soon they'll have lots of time to play in the pool later today.
Ya can't roller skate in a buffalo herd
Ya can't roller skate in a buffalo herd
Ya can't roller skate in a buffalo herd
But you can be happy if you have a mind to
Roger Miller

Thursday, August 10, 2006
"Viva" is what is screamed each day at Vacation Bible School whenever the bible point for the day is mentioned. Jesus is our Friend; Jesus is our Life; Jesus is our Leader; Jesus is our savior. I wonder what tomorrow will be???? (seriously, right now I can't remember) Emma and Audrey seem to be having fun at VBS again this year. The theme is Fiesta! We have Sing and Play Ole, Grande Games, Hot Bible Adventures, Chadder's Theater, [mucho] [macho] Munchies, and Cactus Crafts (that's me). Part of me misses not being a crew leader. As a station leader I get to see most of the kids every day, but I don't get to find out what's going on with the bible adventures or Chadder's theater. But it is fun to excitedly ask the kids attending crafts what is happening in other areas that day. They sure get a kick out of telling me. So far everything seems to be going well. A few obnoxious kids but not as many as I swear I have encountered in the past.
What else has happened this week? Monday afternoon Takayo and the other students cleaned up the Skagit County Fairgrounds. Tuesday was Holiday day. The students learned about different (American) Holidays and then we had a surprise birthday party for them. When we did the initial sign-ups for activities I signed the girls and I up for that one. It was quite fun. On the sign up sheet it listed that the host families would be bringing a $10 or less wrapped gift for their student that day. I remembered that. More or less. But we didn't hear anymore about it until Monday. And since I have busy mornings and another host mom is dropping off Takayo I don't get any written reminders until 4:00 pm. Obviously, even if you get the written info it doesn't mean that the host family reads it right away. I wonder how many families were thrown into a panic Tuesday morning when they were asked about their student's gift? That's another thing for me to try and remember for the evaluation. Let us know before the weekend if we need to buy something. I hate shopping with crowds---and that includes weekday evenings. I'd like to do that kind of thing during weekdays. Also, I assume that some working families would have appreciated knowing that they need to buy something prior to the weekend. But I digress, don't I? Or is it "I bitch, don't I?" Either one works I think.
Overall, the birthday party went well. There were a few games outside and a pinata. Everyone got to play--and eat! I got some really good pictures of everyone. Before my camera batteries started dying...... The girls and I had lunch with Justin at A&W after VBS and before heading to the birthday party.
Wednesday. Takayo went to Seattle---Space Needle, Seattle Center, and Pacific Science Center. Emma and Audrey went to a birthday party at the neighbor's. I stayed for a while and then left to pick up Takayo. I brought her back and we hung out at the party for a while before going home. Justin was in Ephrata, so dinner was, once again, a very casual affair.
And today is Thursday. VBS in the morning, and the Skagit County Fair with the Okinawa students in the afternoon. I decided to go ahead and go to the fair--and then we woke to rain this morning. grrrrrr Do I really want to do this? Hmmm....I'm not fully committed so who cares whether or not we go? Um, Emma and Audrey do. Fortunately the weather cleared up before noon. This is a pretty darn small fair. I saw a couple exhibitors I know and a few other fair-goers as well. I think Emma, Audrey, and I will go to the fair in Lynden on Monday. We didn't quite see everything at the fair today, but enough. And it was enough to make me think we should go ahead and go up to Lynden next week.
I bought Mexican Jumping Beans!!!! Did you know they jump because there are moth larvae inside the bean? Kind of creepy.....
Tomorrow is the final day of VBS. Yay! Or is it awwwwww? Not sure which emotion holds more power here. Takayo has half a day---only school in the morning and then home with us in the afternoon. We'll be packing tomorrow afternoon for our weekend in Silverdale with Justin's mom and step-dad. We'll stay with them and on Saturday we'll go to the Olympic Game Farm. Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! However, I realized this morning that I did not pre-approve this particular weekend trip with Compass USA. I am supposed to email the coordinator who will then contact Japan officials who will then ask Takayo's parents if it is OK for her to travel outside of the Seattle are with us. I'm assuming they'll say yes, but we still need that info before we go. Maybe. But it's not like we're going that far....... We'll probably go no matter what. It's only 50 miles from Seattle. As Kim Possible would say, "no big".
Next Friday night is the Farewell party for the Okinawa students. Wow. Can't believe it's almost over already! Emma said today that we should have an exchange student every year. We'll see about that!
Time to go to bed so I can be up early for VBS. And everything else I need to do but never seem to actually do when I should. Ack! I think I am too filled with hormones and self-loathing to write this tonight! Definitely time for bed.
Some praise the Lord for Light,
The living spark;
I thank God for the Night
The healing dark.
Robert William Service, "Weary", first lines
What else has happened this week? Monday afternoon Takayo and the other students cleaned up the Skagit County Fairgrounds. Tuesday was Holiday day. The students learned about different (American) Holidays and then we had a surprise birthday party for them. When we did the initial sign-ups for activities I signed the girls and I up for that one. It was quite fun. On the sign up sheet it listed that the host families would be bringing a $10 or less wrapped gift for their student that day. I remembered that. More or less. But we didn't hear anymore about it until Monday. And since I have busy mornings and another host mom is dropping off Takayo I don't get any written reminders until 4:00 pm. Obviously, even if you get the written info it doesn't mean that the host family reads it right away. I wonder how many families were thrown into a panic Tuesday morning when they were asked about their student's gift? That's another thing for me to try and remember for the evaluation. Let us know before the weekend if we need to buy something. I hate shopping with crowds---and that includes weekday evenings. I'd like to do that kind of thing during weekdays. Also, I assume that some working families would have appreciated knowing that they need to buy something prior to the weekend. But I digress, don't I? Or is it "I bitch, don't I?" Either one works I think.
Overall, the birthday party went well. There were a few games outside and a pinata. Everyone got to play--and eat! I got some really good pictures of everyone. Before my camera batteries started dying...... The girls and I had lunch with Justin at A&W after VBS and before heading to the birthday party.
Wednesday. Takayo went to Seattle---Space Needle, Seattle Center, and Pacific Science Center. Emma and Audrey went to a birthday party at the neighbor's. I stayed for a while and then left to pick up Takayo. I brought her back and we hung out at the party for a while before going home. Justin was in Ephrata, so dinner was, once again, a very casual affair.
And today is Thursday. VBS in the morning, and the Skagit County Fair with the Okinawa students in the afternoon. I decided to go ahead and go to the fair--and then we woke to rain this morning. grrrrrr Do I really want to do this? Hmmm....I'm not fully committed so who cares whether or not we go? Um, Emma and Audrey do. Fortunately the weather cleared up before noon. This is a pretty darn small fair. I saw a couple exhibitors I know and a few other fair-goers as well. I think Emma, Audrey, and I will go to the fair in Lynden on Monday. We didn't quite see everything at the fair today, but enough. And it was enough to make me think we should go ahead and go up to Lynden next week.
I bought Mexican Jumping Beans!!!! Did you know they jump because there are moth larvae inside the bean? Kind of creepy.....
Tomorrow is the final day of VBS. Yay! Or is it awwwwww? Not sure which emotion holds more power here. Takayo has half a day---only school in the morning and then home with us in the afternoon. We'll be packing tomorrow afternoon for our weekend in Silverdale with Justin's mom and step-dad. We'll stay with them and on Saturday we'll go to the Olympic Game Farm. Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! However, I realized this morning that I did not pre-approve this particular weekend trip with Compass USA. I am supposed to email the coordinator who will then contact Japan officials who will then ask Takayo's parents if it is OK for her to travel outside of the Seattle are with us. I'm assuming they'll say yes, but we still need that info before we go. Maybe. But it's not like we're going that far....... We'll probably go no matter what. It's only 50 miles from Seattle. As Kim Possible would say, "no big".
Next Friday night is the Farewell party for the Okinawa students. Wow. Can't believe it's almost over already! Emma said today that we should have an exchange student every year. We'll see about that!
Time to go to bed so I can be up early for VBS. And everything else I need to do but never seem to actually do when I should. Ack! I think I am too filled with hormones and self-loathing to write this tonight! Definitely time for bed.
Some praise the Lord for Light,
The living spark;
I thank God for the Night
The healing dark.
Robert William Service, "Weary", first lines
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
I want my nose pierced
At least I thought I wanted my nose pierced after shopping with three teenagers last Thursday. I spent waaaaay too much time in Hot Topic and was looking at the body jewelry. Let's see.....no way am I going to open up gigantahuge holes in my ears; tongue piercing? I mumble too much as it is; the dreaded belly button? I wish!!!! So the nose. Nah.
Last Thursday I took Takayo, Ayauko, and Briana to the mall. In Bellingham. (ooooooo) (ahhhhhhh) It's a bit different shopping with three teenagers (two of whom are Japanese and haven't seen many of these stores) as opposed to with my seven and five year olds. Couldn't tell you which one is better.
Friday Takayo went to Seattle all day with the group. Pike Place, Uwajamaya, and a Mariner's game. She had a great time and was very very tired.
Saturday Emma had a birthday party in the morning and Takayo went to a movie and shopping in the afternoon. A pretty low-key day overall. We went to Allen and Laura's to see the puppies. Everybody say "awwwww". 'Cause they are so darn cute!!!
Sunday morning found us at church. We hadn't actually explained communion to Takayo. Let alone the fact that Justin and I would be going up to take communion. Takayo came along with us and took communion. So does that help me get a place in heaven or am I now going straight to hell? Guess I'll find out later. Sunday afternoon one of the host families had a get together at their beach cabin on Samish Island. Very nice. Got to talk a little to some of the other host families and watched some of the students play badminton. I'm kind of starting to put Japanese names with Japanese faces. Kind of. A little. Oh who am I kidding? I can pick out four out of the eleven. And since two of the remaining are guys I'm only lost on five of the girls. Not bad. Too bad there's less than two weeks to go.
After we got home it was badminton time at our house. Justin and I played together for a while. Why yes, I did kick his butt, thank you for asking. Takayo and I played and Emma popped in and out too. CJ and his friend Derek came by to use the pressure washer and we roped them into playing as well. Good thing too, because I was exhausted and quite happy to give up my racket and just watch. A later night than we would have liked, but very fun nonetheless!
VBS is this week. I'll have to write more about Monday and Tuesday later. It's after midnight and I need to sleep. Takayo goes to Seattle again tomorrow. She's being picked up here around 7:40 in the morning. ick I suppose I should make sure I'm up in time. Especially since I need to fix her lunch! Hopefully tomorrow I'll have some time to write more and maybe even post some pictures. I have over 100 on my camera right now so I really need to upload them to the computer. I almost never have that many on my camera at one time! Only during the hawg roast and our vacation at the Suiattle cabin last summer.
If you can remember dreams of flying and soaring like a bird, or dancing, or singing more perfectly than you ever thought possible, you know that no second-hand account of such events could ever give you the thrill you felt in the dream. Gayle Delaney
Last Thursday I took Takayo, Ayauko, and Briana to the mall. In Bellingham. (ooooooo) (ahhhhhhh) It's a bit different shopping with three teenagers (two of whom are Japanese and haven't seen many of these stores) as opposed to with my seven and five year olds. Couldn't tell you which one is better.
Friday Takayo went to Seattle all day with the group. Pike Place, Uwajamaya, and a Mariner's game. She had a great time and was very very tired.
Saturday Emma had a birthday party in the morning and Takayo went to a movie and shopping in the afternoon. A pretty low-key day overall. We went to Allen and Laura's to see the puppies. Everybody say "awwwww". 'Cause they are so darn cute!!!
Sunday morning found us at church. We hadn't actually explained communion to Takayo. Let alone the fact that Justin and I would be going up to take communion. Takayo came along with us and took communion. So does that help me get a place in heaven or am I now going straight to hell? Guess I'll find out later. Sunday afternoon one of the host families had a get together at their beach cabin on Samish Island. Very nice. Got to talk a little to some of the other host families and watched some of the students play badminton. I'm kind of starting to put Japanese names with Japanese faces. Kind of. A little. Oh who am I kidding? I can pick out four out of the eleven. And since two of the remaining are guys I'm only lost on five of the girls. Not bad. Too bad there's less than two weeks to go.
After we got home it was badminton time at our house. Justin and I played together for a while. Why yes, I did kick his butt, thank you for asking. Takayo and I played and Emma popped in and out too. CJ and his friend Derek came by to use the pressure washer and we roped them into playing as well. Good thing too, because I was exhausted and quite happy to give up my racket and just watch. A later night than we would have liked, but very fun nonetheless!
VBS is this week. I'll have to write more about Monday and Tuesday later. It's after midnight and I need to sleep. Takayo goes to Seattle again tomorrow. She's being picked up here around 7:40 in the morning. ick I suppose I should make sure I'm up in time. Especially since I need to fix her lunch! Hopefully tomorrow I'll have some time to write more and maybe even post some pictures. I have over 100 on my camera right now so I really need to upload them to the computer. I almost never have that many on my camera at one time! Only during the hawg roast and our vacation at the Suiattle cabin last summer.
If you can remember dreams of flying and soaring like a bird, or dancing, or singing more perfectly than you ever thought possible, you know that no second-hand account of such events could ever give you the thrill you felt in the dream. Gayle Delaney
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Is this week over yet?
Technically it is Thursday morning. And I should really be asleep. But I'm not, so let's discuss what has happened lately.
Tuesday. Emma, Audrey and I went roller skating with the exchange students. Fun! Emma is becoming a very good skater, and Audrey did far better than I expected her to. She is a full body skater! Legs and arms pumpin' like there's no tomorrow! Emma is suddenly a fluid skater. She has the whole "I'm not doing anything special, just skating....." look to her. I requested a song. Well, a band really. J Giles Band. I mean really, what person in their thirties can be at a skating rink and not have "Centerfold" running through their head? Can you believe that the person I talked to could not just quickly say, "oh yeah, here is their cd. which song do you want?". Instead he said, "ooo, I don't know if we have that....". Don't you think every skate rink should come equipped with "Centerfold"???? Don't worry. They had it. Complete with video!
Wednesday. Nothing too exciting. I finally finished the donation item for the auction this weekend. whew. Now to get it to the powers that be and I'll be done. At 4 pm I picked up Takayo and Ran and headed out of town. Dropped Ran off at her house and headed to a meeting at church in Anacortes. Next week is Vacation Bible School and I've said I'll help with it. I had great fun last year leading crafts and said I'd do it again this year. The guy in charge of it all, Brent, wound up being admitted to the hospital that day with chest pains. Yikes!!!! I haven't heard anything more so I hope all is going well for him and his family. The VBS training meeting was a bit weird since the guy in charge wasn't there. I'm confident it will all go as well as usual next week, but it still feels weird the week before.
Justin went sailing tonight with our friend Bill. This is his first time in a looong time and he really enjoyed it. After my VBS meeting the girls and I went to McDs and got some food to take to Seafarer's Memorial Park and watch the races. Who knows what boat Justin was on, but it was pleasant to watch. The three girls had fun on the beach. Audrey's shoes got wet, and she later fell and bruised her thigh. I was wandering around trying to take pictures, when suddenly something hard hit the back of my shoulder. And Takayo is running toward me apologizing. Uh-oh. Her attempt to throw a rock into the water didn't work as well as planned. It hit me instead. At least it wasn't my head!! I got a few good pictures. Still need to get them on the computer.
I have an irritation on my upper lip. (this is when the people who are only here for the exchange student stuff should stop reading, this is becoming "the life of Joy"). The woman who cut my hair last week also did some waxing. I knew she'd wax my eyebrows and chin, but slathering the wax on my upper lip was a surprise. And now I have a bump. grrrrr We'll see how it turns out.
Tuesday. Emma, Audrey and I went roller skating with the exchange students. Fun! Emma is becoming a very good skater, and Audrey did far better than I expected her to. She is a full body skater! Legs and arms pumpin' like there's no tomorrow! Emma is suddenly a fluid skater. She has the whole "I'm not doing anything special, just skating....." look to her. I requested a song. Well, a band really. J Giles Band. I mean really, what person in their thirties can be at a skating rink and not have "Centerfold" running through their head? Can you believe that the person I talked to could not just quickly say, "oh yeah, here is their cd. which song do you want?". Instead he said, "ooo, I don't know if we have that....". Don't you think every skate rink should come equipped with "Centerfold"???? Don't worry. They had it. Complete with video!
Wednesday. Nothing too exciting. I finally finished the donation item for the auction this weekend. whew. Now to get it to the powers that be and I'll be done. At 4 pm I picked up Takayo and Ran and headed out of town. Dropped Ran off at her house and headed to a meeting at church in Anacortes. Next week is Vacation Bible School and I've said I'll help with it. I had great fun last year leading crafts and said I'd do it again this year. The guy in charge of it all, Brent, wound up being admitted to the hospital that day with chest pains. Yikes!!!! I haven't heard anything more so I hope all is going well for him and his family. The VBS training meeting was a bit weird since the guy in charge wasn't there. I'm confident it will all go as well as usual next week, but it still feels weird the week before.
Justin went sailing tonight with our friend Bill. This is his first time in a looong time and he really enjoyed it. After my VBS meeting the girls and I went to McDs and got some food to take to Seafarer's Memorial Park and watch the races. Who knows what boat Justin was on, but it was pleasant to watch. The three girls had fun on the beach. Audrey's shoes got wet, and she later fell and bruised her thigh. I was wandering around trying to take pictures, when suddenly something hard hit the back of my shoulder. And Takayo is running toward me apologizing. Uh-oh. Her attempt to throw a rock into the water didn't work as well as planned. It hit me instead. At least it wasn't my head!! I got a few good pictures. Still need to get them on the computer.
I have an irritation on my upper lip. (this is when the people who are only here for the exchange student stuff should stop reading, this is becoming "the life of Joy"). The woman who cut my hair last week also did some waxing. I knew she'd wax my eyebrows and chin, but slathering the wax on my upper lip was a surprise. And now I have a bump. grrrrr We'll see how it turns out.
One cannot collect all the beautiful shells on the beach. One can collect only a few, and they are more beautiful if they are few. Anne Morrow Lindbergh
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Aha. Figured out the "title" function
It's been bugging me that on my blog the title listing is the beginning of my entry and not an actual "title". I figured out how to fix it. Yay! Not a big deal of course, but I knew there had to be a way.....
OK, Tuesday. What's been happening?
Sunday was a lazy day. Ahhhhhh...... Takayo spent a lot of time in her room. She said she had some Japanese homework to do. She'd been so busy this past week that I figured the best thing for her would be to relax.
Monday. I picked up another student and took the girls to school. Only 5 minutes late....... Our neighbor Cassandra is running a Camp 4 Girls this week. Girls ages 3 to 8 can go and they have a theme each day, a craft, snack, and bible lesson. Emma and Audrey went yesterday after dropping the other girls off at school. They had a great time! It's from 9 to noon this week except for today when it will be in the afternoon. Too bad, since we are signed up to go roller skating with the exchange students. The girls are a little upset but also looking forward to skating.
Monday afternoon we went bowling with the Japanese students. I'm finally realizing that that may be the reason my stomach muscles hurt! I bowled with Emma and Audrey and we had bumpers!! No gutter balls!!!! I eventually won (with a 94) but Emma was ahead for the most of the game. Audrey did pretty well too, but got very very cranky near the end. Takayo was a couple lanes over and did super! She had quite a few strikes. We all had fun.
David is here for a couple of days. He met us at the bowling alley. I asked him to take the girls home and Takayo and I went to the grocery store. We were out of milk, cheese, and bread. Having Takayo here I need to have a lunch for her and breakfast so being out of those essentials wasn't good! Hmmm....three things and I spent $100. Guess I needed a bit more than that!
I think Takayo is feeling more comfortable here. We talked a bit more on the car ride home. She mentioned that she wants to go to the post office soon and her request was in very good English. She played outside with Emma and Audrey---badminton, jumping on the trampoline. Looks like everyone is having more fun now!
I should probably get in the shower. I'm trying to finish up a donation item. Last summer I donated some of my beaded handled serving pieces to a children's hospital auction. A few months ago they emailed me to see if I'd be willing to donate again. I said I would. The auction is this Saturday. And I'm not done yet. I decided to make a set of a butter knife and six tiny forks. They are turning out well, it's difficult tying off the ends. If only I could bead it and leave it. One of the forks I need to take apart and redo. I started it up too high on the neck and it definitely looks different. I'm thinking that I should take some time and just make a bunch of these things again. That way if anybody wants to buy one or have me donate I will be ready. That whole procrastinating thing doesn't work well in business. Golly, maybe that's why I don't have a job!
Success for me is having ten honeydew melons and eating only the top half of each one. Barbra Streisand
OK, Tuesday. What's been happening?
Sunday was a lazy day. Ahhhhhh...... Takayo spent a lot of time in her room. She said she had some Japanese homework to do. She'd been so busy this past week that I figured the best thing for her would be to relax.
Monday. I picked up another student and took the girls to school. Only 5 minutes late....... Our neighbor Cassandra is running a Camp 4 Girls this week. Girls ages 3 to 8 can go and they have a theme each day, a craft, snack, and bible lesson. Emma and Audrey went yesterday after dropping the other girls off at school. They had a great time! It's from 9 to noon this week except for today when it will be in the afternoon. Too bad, since we are signed up to go roller skating with the exchange students. The girls are a little upset but also looking forward to skating.
Monday afternoon we went bowling with the Japanese students. I'm finally realizing that that may be the reason my stomach muscles hurt! I bowled with Emma and Audrey and we had bumpers!! No gutter balls!!!! I eventually won (with a 94) but Emma was ahead for the most of the game. Audrey did pretty well too, but got very very cranky near the end. Takayo was a couple lanes over and did super! She had quite a few strikes. We all had fun.
David is here for a couple of days. He met us at the bowling alley. I asked him to take the girls home and Takayo and I went to the grocery store. We were out of milk, cheese, and bread. Having Takayo here I need to have a lunch for her and breakfast so being out of those essentials wasn't good! Hmmm....three things and I spent $100. Guess I needed a bit more than that!
I think Takayo is feeling more comfortable here. We talked a bit more on the car ride home. She mentioned that she wants to go to the post office soon and her request was in very good English. She played outside with Emma and Audrey---badminton, jumping on the trampoline. Looks like everyone is having more fun now!
I should probably get in the shower. I'm trying to finish up a donation item. Last summer I donated some of my beaded handled serving pieces to a children's hospital auction. A few months ago they emailed me to see if I'd be willing to donate again. I said I would. The auction is this Saturday. And I'm not done yet. I decided to make a set of a butter knife and six tiny forks. They are turning out well, it's difficult tying off the ends. If only I could bead it and leave it. One of the forks I need to take apart and redo. I started it up too high on the neck and it definitely looks different. I'm thinking that I should take some time and just make a bunch of these things again. That way if anybody wants to buy one or have me donate I will be ready. That whole procrastinating thing doesn't work well in business. Golly, maybe that's why I don't have a job!
Success for me is having ten honeydew melons and eating only the top half of each one. Barbra Streisand
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