Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Ding dong the witch is dead!!

Ya-hoo!!!!! He's been caught. He made about 50 calls over the last month or so and now he's been caught. Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is there anything more for me to say? I think not.

I wish he'd stop

Yep, it happened again. But now there's a trace on my phone. If he calls again I just have to record the time of the call and contact my phone company within 24 hours. The phone company will then fax the info to the sheriff. I almost want him to call one more time so the call can be traced/tracked.

Mostly I just want this to end.

Do you ever wake up in the middle of the night with a weird dream in your head? Then you lie there and try to figure out how you can manipulate the dream when you fall back asleep. I had that over and over last night. But the harsh reality is that it isn't a dream. I can't suddenly become a kung-fu kick-boxing majorette with attitude and beat this guy senseless; then have that tingly feeling that even though it was a dream it still feels real (like the mornings I wake up mad at Justin because he cheated on me in a dream). I have to try and go to sleep every night knowing that some guy is out there who may call again. And say horrible things again.

It's got to end.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Frightful Night

I know what you're thinking "golly, I try to read Joy's blog, but it's so boring"! Well, maybe a recap of my morning will help that a bit. Or maybe not.

1:24 am
Phone rings
Joy: Hello?
Whispery Man Voice: Joy?
Joy: Yes.
Whispery Man Voice: I wanted to know if I can come over and %$&# you.
Joy hangs up
Joy calls Justin (because of course this type of thing would only happen if my husband wasn't home)
Joy: I think I'm going to call 911 and open the gun cabinet.
Justin: Why would you open the gun cabinet?
Joy: Well, I'm obviously not going to shoot anyone, I just want something heavy to smack someone upside the head with.
Justin: OK, your best bet is the 12 gauge. You don't need to shoot, the noise will scare the hell out of anyone.
Joy calls 911
Joy calls Justin to tell him she called 911
Sheriff calls Joy
Sheriff: Is your name in the phone book? The same thing happened to somebody last night. Try to get some sleep.
Joy calls Justin
Joy: I think I'm going to call Dan.
Justin: I'll call him for you.
Justin calls back
Justin: I left a message for him. Wait, he's calling me back now.
Dan calls Joy
Dan: Are you OK?
Joy: Yeah, I think so. I'm clutching my baton. I figure I can kick some majorette ass with this thing!
Dan: Do you want to come over?
Joy: No, I think I'm OK now. It was just a prank call.
Justin calls Joy
Justin: Did you talk to Dan?
Joy: Yes. I think I'm OK now.
Nancy calls
Nancy: I can't sleep. I'm sending Dan over.
Joy calls Justin
Joy: Dan is coming over.
Audrey: Mommy, will you come in my room after I go potty and tell me why you're holding a baton?
Joy (still clutching baton) waits for Dan while staying on the phone with Justin
Dan arrives and conducts thorough search of perimeter.
Dan: All secure, but I found a really big footprint. I think it's Bigfoot. Let's call Grover Krantz.
Joy: Grover Krantz is dead.
Dan and Joy sit in the kitchen talking for a while.
Joy: Well, it's been an hour. I think I'm OK.
Dan: Do you want me to stay on the couch?
Joy: No, I think I'm OK.
2:45 am
Dan stays on the couch.
3:15 am
Joy realizes that if Dan is on her couch, then Nancy doesn't have Dan with her. Joy is too freaked out to tell Dan this and make him go home.
3:50 am
Joy is still awake. But no longer has baton in bed.
Eventually Joy falls asleep.

And that, my friends, family, and random strangers, was my early morning.

Worry gives a small thing a big shadow. Swedish Proverb

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Pointless quiz time!

Hey! Check me out!

I'm a Mazda RX-8!

You're sporty, yet practical, and you have a style of your own. You like to have fun, and you like to bring friends along for the ride, but when it comes time for everyday chores, you're willing to do your part.

Take the Which Sports Car Are You? quiz.

Better hardly ever than never?

OK. I'm back again. Sorry it's been a while. I've actually kind of been busy! Well, OK, not really. Just haven't felt like taking the time to blog lately.

What's been happening? Had school conferences with both girls' teachers. They are doing very very well. No real surprises there. Although I was quite happy to hear a lot of good things about Audrey and her behavior at school. The way she fights her homework I was getting concerned about her working in school. When she throws a fit though, I do tend to ask her "is this how you act for Mrs. Moller?"

During conferences the PTA had a Scholastic Book Fair. It went very very very well!!!!! Each classroom teacher got to pick out $80 worth of books and the library gets around $1600 in books as well. Unfortunately I was just at the school and Scholastic has not picked up the books yet. The principal does not look thrilled to know they are still there cluttering up the hallway right by the front doors. oops

Just read another good book. Shoot the Moon by Billie Letts. She wrote Where the Heart Is, y'know, the Wal-Mart baby story that was made into a movie. She also wrote The Honk and Holler Opening Soon. I liked Shoot the Moon best out of the three. I really enjoyed it. It kind of made me think of Jodi Picoult's books a bit. And we all know how much I like her books!!

I'm on book two of Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum books. (Yes Laura, I am reading them) When I was picking the first one up from the library I noticed another of her books on the hold shelf. Yay! It's the next book in the Barney series!! So I'm in the hold line for that one too.

Have you read the Bridget Jones books by Helen Fielding? Pretty funny, right? Well I just finished Cause Celeb yesterday. It's a great book, but make sure you're not expecting Bridget Jones bumbling humor. I checked out another book by her at the library yesterday.

I really need to branch out into more authors. Any suggestions? Or should I just start going through the random books on my shelf that I've found at thrift stores...

Guess what Friday is......yep, the opening of the movie Happy Feet!! Oh, yes, also my eldest child's 8th birthday. I'm taking her to see Happy Feet! The movie's website has some great previews/trailers for the movie. And you can also go to a live penguin cam from The Maryland Zoo. Happy Feet Movie

Justin is back from his trip to Alaska. They had a great time even though they didn't even see a deer let alone shoot the 4 each they could have. He had a week of relaxation and that's what is most important.

I'd better get a little work done. I'm due back at the school at 11:00 to publish books in Emma's class. It's fun. The student comes up with the story they have written and I type it. I got to see Emma's all done at her conference. I'd been the one to type it, so I knew the story, but her illustrations were new to me and absolutely hilarious!! Can't wait to be able to have it here at home.

"Of all the things I would like to do during my life, my greatest dream is to go to Antarctica and shake hands with a penguin!" - Larry Mester