Actually, it's much better now. I went to the eye doctor earlier today. He put some drops in my eyes, but at least it wasn't as bad as last time when I couldn't read or even see myself in a mirror to try on frames! Today I could see myself in the mirror, but couldn't quite read the price tags..... I got to bring home six frames to try on and get Justin's opinion. One pair looked really fun, but when I put it on, I didn't like it for every day. But I would love it for sunglasses! I'll have to see what the girls think of them.
Emma can stay in school. We went to the doctor yesterday and she had her MMR shot. I also had her in to ask the doctor about some white spots on her skin. She has a large white spot on her leg---it showed up all of a sudden this summer. I wasn't terribly worried, but it hasn't gone away, and of course now I'm noticing a few other small, lighter spots. The doctor couldn't say if it was vitiligo or not. I'm used to vitiligo spots that start small and grow, so I didn't think that first one was vitiligo since it showed up fairly good-sized. We'll see if any of the other spots grow, or if she gets more. The doctor is right though, there really isn't anything we can do about it. So why worry too much? I was really hoping this would skip a few generations!!
Justin and Audrey went to the school last night to carve a pumpkin. I guess there were only six kids (and their dad's) in her class who made it. The time did get changed to 5:30 so they could be done in time for the PTO meeting and performances by Grant Singers and Grant Ringers. I'm glad Justin was able to leave early to go!
Emma is in Grant Singers. The group is made up of third and fourth graders. They practice before school two days a week. Initially she didn't want to do it, but the other day she said she was really glad that she did! Grant Ringers is fourth graders playing bells. They all did a great job.
Monday morning I attended a workshop for teaching school aides and para pros how to teach kids to read and help them with reading comprehension. (Emma's teacher asked me to attend because he'd like me to help some of his students with reading comprehension when I help in the class.) Yet another one of those times when I feel totally out of my element. Well, not totally. We learned about phonemes, and that was something I studied when I was majoring in Speech and Hearing Sciences. But still, I had to keep reminding myself that I am not an idiot, that I really even have a university degree! I'm afraid next week will be even worse. Uh-oh. Just remembered that I haven't done my homework yet!
What else? I went to Spokane for a day last week to shop for a table at antique stores. Mom drove me around and helped me look. I must admit that we maybe looked at a little too much not-table stuff at first. At the end I was "speed antiquing". I had to get home by 6:00pm so the babysitter could get to a 4-H meeting. I made it! Didn't find a table though. I found one on Craigslist in Spokane. We'll see what comes of that.
Justin made a terrible, horrible, awful discovery on Sunday. (you have to promise you won't tell Emma and Audrey, especially Audrey) Black Widow spiders. Say it with me now, "eeeeeeeek!!!!!" OK, my toes are curling now just thinking about it.
The girls should be home soon. I'd better get ready for them. We're going to go to Justin's office so they can sell candy and nuts for Girl Scouts. yee-haw Can't wait for cookie sales.....
If you want to live and thrive, let the spider run alive. ~American Quaker Saying
Unh-uh. I don't think so.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Getting out of the house
The words "bored and lonely" formed in my head last week. I realized that it is time I got out more! So today I'll be in Emma's class at 8:30 (only if I don't take too long blogging) and Audrey's 1:45 to 2:45. I certainly don't want to work full time, or even part time for that matter (read the profile, see the word lazy?) but I am enjoying doing a little volunteering.
OK, looking at the layer of dust on my desk, maybe I should stay home and clean. ha ha! ha ha ha ha ha! HA HA HA HA! Whew. I about wet myself with that one.
Last night was the open house for the recently remodeled and updated metal shop at the high school. It was kind of fun. Justin got up to speak for a bit about Katana and what they do and what it takes to get hired there. People asked some good questions. I had a lot of fun talking with the shop teacher's wife. Remember back before school started and I mentioned that the intern principal was someone I'd gone to high school with? Well he's also the shop teacher, and I hadn't necessarily known his wife when we were all in high school, but as often is the case in small communities, I knew who she was. (OK, how many commas did I just use?) We talked for quite a while--she's a lot of fun! A weird thing about last night.....there were some Ag teachers from the area there, and the one from Wilson Creek recognized me. Yeah, from nearly 20 years ago! He made a comment about my hair being longer now.
Did you know that there is a roller rink in Soap Lake?? Emma went to a birthday party there Saturday night. Not exactly a state of the art facility, but a fun place to go. We might have to check it out some other time.
Emma has just over a week left of school before she is expelled. Actually, what I need to do is find a doctor around here and have her get another MMR vaccination. I'm afraid that I may accidentally forget to tell her that I think this is the one Audrey refers to as "the burning shot".
Writing Audrey's name (and as usual having my fingers hit the /e/ and /y/ keys backwards) reminded me of the girls' name "changes". Emma was starting to use the name Emmy. Know why? She likes to write the letter /y/. And now for some reason Audrey started spelling her name with an /ee/ at the end instead of /ey/. But she was also using a /b/ in place of the /d/ too. She wasn't writing backwards---she knew she was writing the name Aubree. I remember in first grade trying to go by Ellen (my middle name) because I didn't like my name. And who can forget my freshman year in high school when I changed the spelling to Joi? And not just an /i/ with a boring ol' dot, or even a heart or smiley face. Oh no, I put a slash mark in place of the dot. What a rebel!!
I'm sure the third graders would appreciate it if I came to their class showered and wearing clothes (as opposed to jammies, not nekkid!), so I should end this and get ready.
Leisure tends to corrupt, and absolute leisure corrupts absolutely. ~Edgar A. Shoaff
OK, looking at the layer of dust on my desk, maybe I should stay home and clean. ha ha! ha ha ha ha ha! HA HA HA HA! Whew. I about wet myself with that one.
Last night was the open house for the recently remodeled and updated metal shop at the high school. It was kind of fun. Justin got up to speak for a bit about Katana and what they do and what it takes to get hired there. People asked some good questions. I had a lot of fun talking with the shop teacher's wife. Remember back before school started and I mentioned that the intern principal was someone I'd gone to high school with? Well he's also the shop teacher, and I hadn't necessarily known his wife when we were all in high school, but as often is the case in small communities, I knew who she was. (OK, how many commas did I just use?) We talked for quite a while--she's a lot of fun! A weird thing about last night.....there were some Ag teachers from the area there, and the one from Wilson Creek recognized me. Yeah, from nearly 20 years ago! He made a comment about my hair being longer now.
Did you know that there is a roller rink in Soap Lake?? Emma went to a birthday party there Saturday night. Not exactly a state of the art facility, but a fun place to go. We might have to check it out some other time.
Emma has just over a week left of school before she is expelled. Actually, what I need to do is find a doctor around here and have her get another MMR vaccination. I'm afraid that I may accidentally forget to tell her that I think this is the one Audrey refers to as "the burning shot".
Writing Audrey's name (and as usual having my fingers hit the /e/ and /y/ keys backwards) reminded me of the girls' name "changes". Emma was starting to use the name Emmy. Know why? She likes to write the letter /y/. And now for some reason Audrey started spelling her name with an /ee/ at the end instead of /ey/. But she was also using a /b/ in place of the /d/ too. She wasn't writing backwards---she knew she was writing the name Aubree. I remember in first grade trying to go by Ellen (my middle name) because I didn't like my name. And who can forget my freshman year in high school when I changed the spelling to Joi? And not just an /i/ with a boring ol' dot, or even a heart or smiley face. Oh no, I put a slash mark in place of the dot. What a rebel!!
I'm sure the third graders would appreciate it if I came to their class showered and wearing clothes (as opposed to jammies, not nekkid!), so I should end this and get ready.
Leisure tends to corrupt, and absolute leisure corrupts absolutely. ~Edgar A. Shoaff
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Pumpkin fun!
Emma faces expulsion
Yes, you read that correctly. After all my bragging in the last entry you'd think this wouldn't be happening. But it is.
Emma received her first MMR vaccination 15 days before her first birthday. So it doesn't count. I need to remember not to put the correct date on forms, and to pretend that I no longer have her record book. I mean, it gets brought up every year, you'd think I'd have it figured out by now! (I think there's also something funky about Audrey's, but maybe I took care of that.) So I'll go to the school today and find out to whom I need our doctor (in Anacortes) to fax a form to saying, yes, it is OK that Emma's MMR shot was done before she turned one. And of course when I do that I'll hear again that the state only requires the month and year so why is the school making a big deal of this. Even if she had another booster now, it wouldn't make the problem go away. Every time it gets typed into the computer it would reject it for the same reason. I'll have to see what I need to do to make it permanently in her records that she is OK.
We went to the library yesterday and Emma checked out Anastasia Krupnik by Lois Lowry. I finally found a section on the Accelerated Reader website that would give me the AR levels of books. This one is a 4.5 or so. She started it last night and took it to school to see if the school has an AR test for it.
I was enjoying a little trip down book memory lane. Lois Lowry also wrote A Summer to Die and Find a Stranger, Say Goodbye. I can remember reading the first one, and the other title sounds really familiar. The fun part was finally realizing that the Lois I had been looking for was Lois Duncan. Stranger With My Face, Down a Dark Hall, Summer of Fear, and Daughters of Eve. Those are some great, and spooky, books!
I'd better get going so I can save my daughter from expulsion!
I guess I'll have to wait for tomorrow for International Moment of Frustration Scream Day.
Emma received her first MMR vaccination 15 days before her first birthday. So it doesn't count. I need to remember not to put the correct date on forms, and to pretend that I no longer have her record book. I mean, it gets brought up every year, you'd think I'd have it figured out by now! (I think there's also something funky about Audrey's, but maybe I took care of that.) So I'll go to the school today and find out to whom I need our doctor (in Anacortes) to fax a form to saying, yes, it is OK that Emma's MMR shot was done before she turned one. And of course when I do that I'll hear again that the state only requires the month and year so why is the school making a big deal of this. Even if she had another booster now, it wouldn't make the problem go away. Every time it gets typed into the computer it would reject it for the same reason. I'll have to see what I need to do to make it permanently in her records that she is OK.
We went to the library yesterday and Emma checked out Anastasia Krupnik by Lois Lowry. I finally found a section on the Accelerated Reader website that would give me the AR levels of books. This one is a 4.5 or so. She started it last night and took it to school to see if the school has an AR test for it.
I was enjoying a little trip down book memory lane. Lois Lowry also wrote A Summer to Die and Find a Stranger, Say Goodbye. I can remember reading the first one, and the other title sounds really familiar. The fun part was finally realizing that the Lois I had been looking for was Lois Duncan. Stranger With My Face, Down a Dark Hall, Summer of Fear, and Daughters of Eve. Those are some great, and spooky, books!
I'd better get going so I can save my daughter from expulsion!
I guess I'll have to wait for tomorrow for International Moment of Frustration Scream Day.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Warning: Severe bragging about kids
Don't say I didn't warn you! Yesterday we had conferences, so of course I have many things to brag about! Not sure what else I'll write about, so how about when I'm done bragging I'll type, in bold, that it is safe to read now. OK? So those of you with strong constitutions may continue.....
Audrey is doing great in school and is learning more and improving every day. One of her challenges has been learning to add "monkey tails" on her letters. And she's doing it! She is right where she should be as a first grader. She has proven to the teachers that she can count to 100, and we were told that very few students in her class can count that high. Audrey also told her teacher that she counted to 400 the other day "want me to show you?" ack!
Audrey is seated next to a boy who, ermmmm, has a hard time sitting and paying attention. Without any prompting Audrey has taken to reminding him that it is time to sit and pay attention, etc. I'm assuming she does this in a nice way, since the teachers were pleased. The student teacher says she catches her doing it sometimes and gives her a thumbs up. Which you know has just got to thrill Audrey to no end! It's so nice to hear about our kids being good, respectful, and responsible. Audrey is also now sitting by, and in reading group with, her best friend (and neighbor), but both teachers said that it hasn't been a problem at all---no excessive visiting.
Audrey has been journaling at night. Nancy gave her a diary this summer, and she's just started writing in it. And by writing I mean writing. Really! Just like her journals at school, she writes a sentence then draws a picture about it.
Emma is also doing great in school. Her teacher encourages students to come to their conferences, so we brought her with us. Her teacher started by telling all of us that he does not use conference time to discuss discipline, etc so the student doesn't have to worry about hearing any bad things. Well, unless they aren't doing well academically of course. And Emma has nothing to worry about academically. She's had to learn a few things specific to this school's expectations (labelling, organizing, different terminology and teaching aids). She'll be tested in Reading and Mathematics in the WASL, so that's what they are concentrating on. She reads at a 7th grade level; in one of the tests, the average is 190 and Emma is 215. The same test in math the average is 192 and she is 205. Algebraic Sense is the only area she needs to improve on.
Emma's teacher told her that she can be reading more difficult, higher quality books. He's not pushing her, but eventually if she isn't doing that on her own he will pick a book for her. They use Accelerated Reader; books are given an AR Level and a computerized test is available. The student chooses a book, reads it, then takes the test. The tests are worth a different amount depending on book difficulty. She's reading books with an AR Level of 3.1 to 3.8 and each test is worth 1 point. (the Zack Files books she's reading are worth 1 point, a Harry Potter book is worth 32 points) The teacher requires 4 points earned per month. He'd rather see Emma reading books with higher AR Level/Points Value than what she's reading now. I asked him about this, since it seemed last year Emma wasn't willing to read more challenging books because it meant fewer AR test available to her. He explained that in second grade the focus is more on quantity, but in third grade the focus is quality. So hopefully this will encourage Emma to spread out a bit in her reading. I'm especially glad she was there to hear all that.
I think that's about it.
End Parental Bragging
Holy cow my dog stinks! Sheesh! What has she eaten??? At least I'm no longer finding piles of diarrhea up here. How fun. We go from me bragging to my dogs bowels. Aren't you glad you stopped by??
After all that, what more is there to say?
Last Sunday we went to Cashmere to the antique malls. Apple Annie's is "70,000 square feet of no touch". So of course the girls were beyond thrilled! Many tears were shed, but no table was found. (have I mentioned that we are table shopping? ours will go to one of the Katana houses and we get a new one. oh the sacrifices I make!) I'm going to spend part of a day next week in Spokane going to antique stores there with my mom. I'm hoping I can find someone to watch the girls after school so I can shop longer.
I haven't been walking. I know, we were all just waiting for that announcement. No excuse really, just not doing it. I really should get back to it. I need to wear my fancy dress next month! Of course I've been afraid to try it on and see how it fits right now. David and Hazel are taking us and Hazel's kids to the Festival of Trees dinner. Sounds super duper fancy schmancy. Should be fun. I hope. We will have met Hazel's daughter, son and his wife the day before at David and Hazel's wedding. The girls will have a sitter while we are out. They'll be ring carriers at the wedding. Since the wedding may take place on a dock, we'll be praying extra hard that rings don't drop!
Well, it's half-days this week. So I don't have as much time to do, well, nothing before the girls get home. So I'd better get on it!
The problem with children is that you have to put up with their parents. ~Charles DeLint
Audrey is doing great in school and is learning more and improving every day. One of her challenges has been learning to add "monkey tails" on her letters. And she's doing it! She is right where she should be as a first grader. She has proven to the teachers that she can count to 100, and we were told that very few students in her class can count that high. Audrey also told her teacher that she counted to 400 the other day "want me to show you?" ack!
Audrey is seated next to a boy who, ermmmm, has a hard time sitting and paying attention. Without any prompting Audrey has taken to reminding him that it is time to sit and pay attention, etc. I'm assuming she does this in a nice way, since the teachers were pleased. The student teacher says she catches her doing it sometimes and gives her a thumbs up. Which you know has just got to thrill Audrey to no end! It's so nice to hear about our kids being good, respectful, and responsible. Audrey is also now sitting by, and in reading group with, her best friend (and neighbor), but both teachers said that it hasn't been a problem at all---no excessive visiting.
Audrey has been journaling at night. Nancy gave her a diary this summer, and she's just started writing in it. And by writing I mean writing. Really! Just like her journals at school, she writes a sentence then draws a picture about it.
Emma is also doing great in school. Her teacher encourages students to come to their conferences, so we brought her with us. Her teacher started by telling all of us that he does not use conference time to discuss discipline, etc so the student doesn't have to worry about hearing any bad things. Well, unless they aren't doing well academically of course. And Emma has nothing to worry about academically. She's had to learn a few things specific to this school's expectations (labelling, organizing, different terminology and teaching aids). She'll be tested in Reading and Mathematics in the WASL, so that's what they are concentrating on. She reads at a 7th grade level; in one of the tests, the average is 190 and Emma is 215. The same test in math the average is 192 and she is 205. Algebraic Sense is the only area she needs to improve on.
Emma's teacher told her that she can be reading more difficult, higher quality books. He's not pushing her, but eventually if she isn't doing that on her own he will pick a book for her. They use Accelerated Reader; books are given an AR Level and a computerized test is available. The student chooses a book, reads it, then takes the test. The tests are worth a different amount depending on book difficulty. She's reading books with an AR Level of 3.1 to 3.8 and each test is worth 1 point. (the Zack Files books she's reading are worth 1 point, a Harry Potter book is worth 32 points) The teacher requires 4 points earned per month. He'd rather see Emma reading books with higher AR Level/Points Value than what she's reading now. I asked him about this, since it seemed last year Emma wasn't willing to read more challenging books because it meant fewer AR test available to her. He explained that in second grade the focus is more on quantity, but in third grade the focus is quality. So hopefully this will encourage Emma to spread out a bit in her reading. I'm especially glad she was there to hear all that.
I think that's about it.
End Parental Bragging
Holy cow my dog stinks! Sheesh! What has she eaten??? At least I'm no longer finding piles of diarrhea up here. How fun. We go from me bragging to my dogs bowels. Aren't you glad you stopped by??
After all that, what more is there to say?
Last Sunday we went to Cashmere to the antique malls. Apple Annie's is "70,000 square feet of no touch". So of course the girls were beyond thrilled! Many tears were shed, but no table was found. (have I mentioned that we are table shopping? ours will go to one of the Katana houses and we get a new one. oh the sacrifices I make!) I'm going to spend part of a day next week in Spokane going to antique stores there with my mom. I'm hoping I can find someone to watch the girls after school so I can shop longer.
I haven't been walking. I know, we were all just waiting for that announcement. No excuse really, just not doing it. I really should get back to it. I need to wear my fancy dress next month! Of course I've been afraid to try it on and see how it fits right now. David and Hazel are taking us and Hazel's kids to the Festival of Trees dinner. Sounds super duper fancy schmancy. Should be fun. I hope. We will have met Hazel's daughter, son and his wife the day before at David and Hazel's wedding. The girls will have a sitter while we are out. They'll be ring carriers at the wedding. Since the wedding may take place on a dock, we'll be praying extra hard that rings don't drop!
Well, it's half-days this week. So I don't have as much time to do, well, nothing before the girls get home. So I'd better get on it!
The problem with children is that you have to put up with their parents. ~Charles DeLint
Friday, October 05, 2007
I have my car back!
Yea!! My car hath returneth. I filled it with gas and added wiper fluid so that I would have no warning lights lit up on the dash. The ABS and Brake lights disappeared after the car's stay with the dealership's service department. And now that it's back from the transmission shop it doesn't tick when I drive it! Hmmm....where can I drive today?? Um, the school and library I guess.
Emma is Student of the Month for her class. This month is Trustworthiness. Last Friday at an assembly those students were announced. And today she gets to have a special lunch with the principal and counselor. She's excited. Audrey's jealous.
I told Emma I might have to make a surprise visit to her classroom to see if she really is trustworthy. I was filling out her Reading Log slip this morning and marking the "did not read" box when Emma tried convincing me that reading another student's shirt counted. I told her it was no big deal that she didn't read, but it was more important to turn in the Log slip. She agreed then said "well, I am the one who does the Reading Logs" (she collects and records them for the class). I had to laugh. Ummm.....Emma.....what's the first part of the word "trustworthy"??
We went out to dinner last night. There are not many dinner choices in Ephrata!! Emma loves Chinese food (Mommy Yum Yum's); Audrey hates it. Audrey loves Mexican food; Emma isn't a big fan, and she and I both had very disappointing dinners at Tequila's. So for evening dining (for the under 21 crowd) that leaves McDonald's, Burger King, Subway, the other Chinese restaurant, the taco truck by the overpass, the homestyle place that advertises a banner that they are open for dinner Tues-Sat but when I went in once I got strange looks and there were no employees in sight, and Basaltz--the nice restaurant in town. So we went to Basaltz. Now Basaltz to Katana is like The Keg to Red Samm--meaning: Justin is there a lot. Without his wife and kids. So last night we walk in and one of the waitresses tells him that another waitress had asked her if Justin was married. She said told him that he was and that the girls and I had just moved here. So there's a disappointed waitress! And I will be in there every day so I can find out who she is! Bwahahahaha!!! Emma told Justin that she wasn't surprised that someone liked him because, in Emma's words, he's a "hottie".
I've started putting out our Halloween decorations. I was worried because I couldn't find my little Halloween Sweet Treat village and my ghost holding the bubble light. Finally found them in a big box that was on it's side. Of course I'd only labeled it "Halloween" on the top. Oops. I told Justin I need to go to Target so I can get the girls Halloween shirts, and see what I hope to find on super clearance after Halloween. I think the nearest Target is in Wenatchee.
Tomorrow we're going dining room table shopping. Yee-haw. I think we're going to try and find antique stores, then look at furniture stores. We'll see how this goes. The girls are going to just love doing that!!
I realize it's not yet 11am, but I should probably go take a shower anyway. I've been even more pathetic than normal lately--if you can believe that! Today I'll get moving sooner.
I have more photos on Grave Addiction, you can see them here. And I even made it onto the very special thank you page (I'm down near the bottom). Now I just need to head over to the Stratford Cemetery--it's not too far out of town and looked like it might be a good, older cemetery to visit. I'd also like to play around with some of my pictures and print them. We'll see if I ever get around to it.
Squirrel Appreciation Week begins October 7th!
Emma is Student of the Month for her class. This month is Trustworthiness. Last Friday at an assembly those students were announced. And today she gets to have a special lunch with the principal and counselor. She's excited. Audrey's jealous.
I told Emma I might have to make a surprise visit to her classroom to see if she really is trustworthy. I was filling out her Reading Log slip this morning and marking the "did not read" box when Emma tried convincing me that reading another student's shirt counted. I told her it was no big deal that she didn't read, but it was more important to turn in the Log slip. She agreed then said "well, I am the one who does the Reading Logs" (she collects and records them for the class). I had to laugh. Ummm.....Emma.....what's the first part of the word "trustworthy"??
We went out to dinner last night. There are not many dinner choices in Ephrata!! Emma loves Chinese food (Mommy Yum Yum's); Audrey hates it. Audrey loves Mexican food; Emma isn't a big fan, and she and I both had very disappointing dinners at Tequila's. So for evening dining (for the under 21 crowd) that leaves McDonald's, Burger King, Subway, the other Chinese restaurant, the taco truck by the overpass, the homestyle place that advertises a banner that they are open for dinner Tues-Sat but when I went in once I got strange looks and there were no employees in sight, and Basaltz--the nice restaurant in town. So we went to Basaltz. Now Basaltz to Katana is like The Keg to Red Samm--meaning: Justin is there a lot. Without his wife and kids. So last night we walk in and one of the waitresses tells him that another waitress had asked her if Justin was married. She said told him that he was and that the girls and I had just moved here. So there's a disappointed waitress! And I will be in there every day so I can find out who she is! Bwahahahaha!!! Emma told Justin that she wasn't surprised that someone liked him because, in Emma's words, he's a "hottie".
I've started putting out our Halloween decorations. I was worried because I couldn't find my little Halloween Sweet Treat village and my ghost holding the bubble light. Finally found them in a big box that was on it's side. Of course I'd only labeled it "Halloween" on the top. Oops. I told Justin I need to go to Target so I can get the girls Halloween shirts, and see what I hope to find on super clearance after Halloween. I think the nearest Target is in Wenatchee.
Tomorrow we're going dining room table shopping. Yee-haw. I think we're going to try and find antique stores, then look at furniture stores. We'll see how this goes. The girls are going to just love doing that!!
I realize it's not yet 11am, but I should probably go take a shower anyway. I've been even more pathetic than normal lately--if you can believe that! Today I'll get moving sooner.
I have more photos on Grave Addiction, you can see them here. And I even made it onto the very special thank you page (I'm down near the bottom). Now I just need to head over to the Stratford Cemetery--it's not too far out of town and looked like it might be a good, older cemetery to visit. I'd also like to play around with some of my pictures and print them. We'll see if I ever get around to it.
Squirrel Appreciation Week begins October 7th!
Thursday, October 04, 2007
That wacky internet!
I must admit, it always surprises me a bit when I receive the same email from two different people within a day or two. You know the ones....the latest You Tube hit, the touching mother story, the petition to "sign". The other day I received the William Tell Overture singing mom from a friend, and a few hours later from my mother-in-law, and then a couple of days later from another friend. None of these people know the others.
Now this one made me smile. Justin's aunt sent me one of those "get to know you" emails. This one listed questions like "Two things you are wearing right now" "Two favorite pets", etc. And you know the drill: copy, paste, remove the previous person's answers, type in your own, then forward it to your friends, including the person who sent it to you. So of course I did. I sent it to a bunch of adults and a couple middle and high school age friends. A few days later I received an email from Emma's former piano teacher. It was that same "get to know you" email. I thought it was a little odd. Maybe she accidentally clicked on my name when she meant to send it to someone else (we've never exchanged emails like this before). So I scrolled down to see her responses and my eye caught something. " Joy Did you ever stop to think, and forget to start again? ~Winnie the Pooh" Hey! That's my current email signature!!
Sorry, but I just really get a kick out of those wacky internet coincidences.
Hopefully I'll get my car back today. I need to go to the school and distribute the Book Order books for Audrey's class. And I need to get to the store--I only have one tea bag left. Yea! The guy at the transmission shop just called! Now to coordinate with Justin to drive me there...
I was flipping through a Rachel Ray magazine and found a fun gift idea for the girls. Personalized Fruit Roll-ups -- how fun is that? I'm thinking for Christmas, or for takeaway gifts at birthday parties.
I've started thinking Christmas already. Just with regard to presents. I have no idea what the girls want -- that isn't electronic or attached to a screen of some sort. Actually, Emma wants new roller blades and Audrey wants a scooter. I think we can handle those. Of course the My Twinn catalog came in the mail and the girls gushed over it. Neither of them are really into dolls, until they see something like that.
I suppose I should take a shower and talk to Justin about getting me to my car. With my luck, if I call him now he'd be able to take me right away. And again with my luck, I'll call him after my shower and he'll tell me the rest of the day is crazy and he can't pick me up. But at least at that point I'll be clean!
The Internet is just a world passing around notes in a classroom. ~Jon Stewart
Now this one made me smile. Justin's aunt sent me one of those "get to know you" emails. This one listed questions like "Two things you are wearing right now" "Two favorite pets", etc. And you know the drill: copy, paste, remove the previous person's answers, type in your own, then forward it to your friends, including the person who sent it to you. So of course I did. I sent it to a bunch of adults and a couple middle and high school age friends. A few days later I received an email from Emma's former piano teacher. It was that same "get to know you" email. I thought it was a little odd. Maybe she accidentally clicked on my name when she meant to send it to someone else (we've never exchanged emails like this before). So I scrolled down to see her responses and my eye caught something. " Joy Did you ever stop to think, and forget to start again? ~Winnie the Pooh" Hey! That's my current email signature!!
Sorry, but I just really get a kick out of those wacky internet coincidences.
Hopefully I'll get my car back today. I need to go to the school and distribute the Book Order books for Audrey's class. And I need to get to the store--I only have one tea bag left. Yea! The guy at the transmission shop just called! Now to coordinate with Justin to drive me there...
I was flipping through a Rachel Ray magazine and found a fun gift idea for the girls. Personalized Fruit Roll-ups -- how fun is that? I'm thinking for Christmas, or for takeaway gifts at birthday parties.
I've started thinking Christmas already. Just with regard to presents. I have no idea what the girls want -- that isn't electronic or attached to a screen of some sort. Actually, Emma wants new roller blades and Audrey wants a scooter. I think we can handle those. Of course the My Twinn catalog came in the mail and the girls gushed over it. Neither of them are really into dolls, until they see something like that.
I suppose I should take a shower and talk to Justin about getting me to my car. With my luck, if I call him now he'd be able to take me right away. And again with my luck, I'll call him after my shower and he'll tell me the rest of the day is crazy and he can't pick me up. But at least at that point I'll be clean!
The Internet is just a world passing around notes in a classroom. ~Jon Stewart
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Note to Self:
1. Do not stay up until midnight working on a puzzle and watching Ghost Hunters. It makes it even more difficult to get up in the morning.
2. Do not wear jammies all day. It may be comfy and cute (look at those gnomes!) for a while, but suddenly negative thoughts start pouring in. When that happens, it is probably best to shower and dress (not update blog which may result in further negativity).
3. When you put detergent in the dishwasher, either run it immediately or set the timer so that it will run at a later time. Otherwise, the soap sits in there until you decide to put some dirty dishes in there and discover that it is full---of dirty dishes that really should have been washed a while ago.
4. After posting pictures to the blog, do not sit for an obscene amount of time watching Blogger Play hoping to see the pictures just posted on the blog. This is especially true if already wearing jammies.
2. Do not wear jammies all day. It may be comfy and cute (look at those gnomes!) for a while, but suddenly negative thoughts start pouring in. When that happens, it is probably best to shower and dress (not update blog which may result in further negativity).
3. When you put detergent in the dishwasher, either run it immediately or set the timer so that it will run at a later time. Otherwise, the soap sits in there until you decide to put some dirty dishes in there and discover that it is full---of dirty dishes that really should have been washed a while ago.
4. After posting pictures to the blog, do not sit for an obscene amount of time watching Blogger Play hoping to see the pictures just posted on the blog. This is especially true if already wearing jammies.
Catching up with pictures....
What's that on Emma's ear?? Why, it's a monkey earring! Yep. Her ears seem healed enough to start wearing earrings. That picture was taken yesterday morning. She has little heart with jewel ones in today. She's so excited!! But not thrilled that I make her wear her starter earrings at night. Tough noogies.
Did you know that if you put bubble bath in a tub, and then turn on the jets, you get lots and lots and lots of bubbles?? I found that out one night and shared my discovery with the girls. They had a good time!

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