Thursday, October 04, 2007

That wacky internet!

I must admit, it always surprises me a bit when I receive the same email from two different people within a day or two. You know the ones....the latest You Tube hit, the touching mother story, the petition to "sign". The other day I received the William Tell Overture singing mom from a friend, and a few hours later from my mother-in-law, and then a couple of days later from another friend. None of these people know the others.

Now this one made me smile. Justin's aunt sent me one of those "get to know you" emails. This one listed questions like "Two things you are wearing right now" "Two favorite pets", etc. And you know the drill: copy, paste, remove the previous person's answers, type in your own, then forward it to your friends, including the person who sent it to you. So of course I did. I sent it to a bunch of adults and a couple middle and high school age friends. A few days later I received an email from Emma's former piano teacher. It was that same "get to know you" email. I thought it was a little odd. Maybe she accidentally clicked on my name when she meant to send it to someone else (we've never exchanged emails like this before). So I scrolled down to see her responses and my eye caught something. " Joy Did you ever stop to think, and forget to start again? ~Winnie the Pooh" Hey! That's my current email signature!!

Sorry, but I just really get a kick out of those wacky internet coincidences.

Hopefully I'll get my car back today. I need to go to the school and distribute the Book Order books for Audrey's class. And I need to get to the store--I only have one tea bag left. Yea! The guy at the transmission shop just called! Now to coordinate with Justin to drive me there...

I was flipping through a Rachel Ray magazine and found a fun gift idea for the girls. Personalized Fruit Roll-ups -- how fun is that? I'm thinking for Christmas, or for takeaway gifts at birthday parties.

I've started thinking Christmas already. Just with regard to presents. I have no idea what the girls want -- that isn't electronic or attached to a screen of some sort. Actually, Emma wants new roller blades and Audrey wants a scooter. I think we can handle those. Of course the My Twinn catalog came in the mail and the girls gushed over it. Neither of them are really into dolls, until they see something like that.

I suppose I should take a shower and talk to Justin about getting me to my car. With my luck, if I call him now he'd be able to take me right away. And again with my luck, I'll call him after my shower and he'll tell me the rest of the day is crazy and he can't pick me up. But at least at that point I'll be clean!

The Internet is just a world passing around notes in a classroom. ~Jon Stewart

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