Thursday, July 31, 2008

The End of an Era

Today is Justin's last day at Katana-Summit/T BAILEY. It would have been 13 years in September. That's a fair run I'd say! He's so looking forward to starting at Transpac Marinas in a couple weeks.

The house is still not sold. But we have a move-in time for our other house. Our renters will be able to move into their "mother-in-law apartment" just before August 23rd-ish. Unless of course they are lying to me and they'll actually be homeless until their house is done and I will see them lurking in the blackberry bushes behind our house. We're excited to have them as neighbors! At their house around the corner, not in our bushes.

Tonight our realtor has an Open House scheduled. I've known about this for a while, so obviously I've taken that time and cleaned house. Ha ha. Ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha haha. Whew. OK, any of you who actually know me realize that there is no way I would have done that so "early". I mean, I have 8 hours to completely clean the house today. Oh, and get my hair trimmed. And take Lucy to the groomers. And pack! Yep, pack for the weekend in Oregon. I suppose I should also do things like feeding and caring for my children.

So here I am writing in my blog instead. I've never claimed to be smart!

Unemployment diminishes people. Leisure enlarges them. ~Mason Cooley

We're considering the two weeks between his jobs leisure. When he's not packing up all his tools and stuff to move anyway.

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