Monday, October 06, 2008

I have only myself to blame

I can't blame anyone else. It all comes back to me..... Let's start at current time:

Joy is obsessed with Facebook

Joy joins Facebook

Joy reads that Kimm is on Facebook

Joy finds Liberty High School Class of 1988 20 year reunion page

Joy Googles Beth

Joy reads a comment on her blog from Beth Anne

Beth reads about herself on Joy's blog

Beth Googles herself

Joy writes in her blog and mentions Beth Tensfeld

See? "Joy writes in her blog". Now I'm staying up late trying to locate old friends/acquaintances and respond to those who find me. I'm being labeled an "old hag". I'm becoming obsessed with people I used to know and trying to figure out how to locate them. And I'm really, really enjoying myself! I keep laughing....the phrase "oh my goodness" has become a part of my breathing.....I'm feeling bad about not keeping in touch with people after high school and college and work. And I'm having so much fun! It's like every reunion you've ever dreaded....but then enjoyed.

Every parting is a form of death, as every reunion is a type of heaven. ~Tryon Edwards

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