My mom gave the girls a book a while back. "Fold a Banana" It's a book of things to do when you are bored. We flipped through it a little, and I wondered about my mom's sanity a little. The girls got the book out again yesterday. Of course they got this book out just about an hour before Justin and I needed to leave for an event.

Sorry, it's hard to read this but it says "Open everything". And they did. They opened all the drawers in Emma's dresser.

Sorry, it's hard to read this but it says "Open everything". And they did. They opened all the drawers in Emma's dresser.
Did it cure the boredom?
I certainly hope so!
It's nice that they learned that lesson so early in life. I didn't learn about the Physics of Too Many Open Drawers until college. I almost pulled a file cabinet over on myself at my workstudy job. Maybe I had special protection because I was in the Religious Studies Dept... But look at how much time they occupied with cleaning everything up. Yay for Crazy Grandma!
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