Fortunately Emma and Audrey are well enough to go to school. Both girls worked on homework yesterday. Emma got the bulk of hers done (it's all due Friday) and Audrey finally completed hers. It's no wonder Audrey doesn't know her alphabet yet. She will not sit and work on something!! Now, read the girl a book and she'll remember facts from it for eons. But sitting down and working on something is near impossible. And to make matters worse she has my personality. The whole "I can't do it" "I'll mess up" thing. I made her get up and do 5 jumping jacks each time she said she "can't". It still took hours for her to write her name 6 times. She hasn't learned lowercase letters yet, so I had her practice before she actually wrote on the homework paper. Sheesh! You'd think I'd named her Catalinamagdalinahoopensteinerwalendinerhoganboganlogan. She complained that Audrey was just too long. I'm not sure I'm going to make it through this!!
My sister is married. Who knows, maybe she even reads my blog, but she already knows I'm not happy about it. Last week her boyfriend/fiance text messaged her that they were breaking up and he was getting back together with his ex-wife. And his divorce had just been in the paper that day! (I didn't know he was married---they'd talked about getting married this summer. Kind of hard to do when you already have a spouse.) Then last night she calls and tells me they got married. I asked her why. She said "because we love each other". Huh. Sure as heck didn't sound like it last week!! When I talked to her the day he broke up with her she said she wanted to talk to him. I told her fine, but if he wants to date again or whatever would she please promise me that she wouldn't do anything for a month. She promised.
A while ago my brother told me that he liked my blog. (Yes, I was shocked and amazed that he would even read it.) I told him that I didn't have much to talk about, and some things I would want to talk about I couldn't because family and friends would read this. He suggested that I just write it, but change the names. Thanks for the tip, "Les"! I won't mention your wife though, don't want her to get used to seeing her name in print! Maybe I should start another blog and not tell anyone. Then I could vent all I wanted without fear. Until some random person found it and started circulating it and then I'd wind up on www.snopes.com and I couldn't even just move to get away, becuase it would be on the internet and everyone would see, not just family and friends, and I wouldn't be able to go anywhere without people pointing and staring, running away from me with distrust in their eyes, worrything that they would be the next victim impaled on the sharp spike of my blog.
I have a PTA board meeting tonight. I'd better start gathering together my stuff so I'm not running around in a panic at 6:00.
Well, as I always say, a family of freaks is better than no family at all. "Family Guy"

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