Emma and Audrey are enjoying Bay View Elementary School. It was so weird today to have both of them gone all day. At around noon it really hit me. With preschool I'd be picking up Audrey around that time. But when 12 o'clock hit I realized I still had 2 1/2 hours before any kids were home. And on Thursday that will change to 3 1/4 hours since they will be riding the bus. Audrey wasn't too happy that I picked her up today. There were a ton of kindergarteners in line for the buses. She'll be one of them on Thursday!
When I picked up Audrey her face was beet red. I could feel the heat coming out of the room. Yowza. I sure wouldn't like being in there. But in a few months it'll be cool. The principal was in the room helping the kids get ready to leave. She called Audrey over when she saw me, and told me that she'd been calling Audrey "Emma" most of the day. She said Audrey finally told her, "I'm not Emma. I'm Audrey." Now what amazed me is that the principal even knew Emma's name to confuse the two. I'd been a bit of a fixture at the school last fall during the Book Fair and again in the spring. And I'm on the PTA board, but I'm still impressed that she recognized my girls and had their names figured out. I'm still not used to this whole "big school" mentality! Add 10 or 12 students into Emma's or Audrey's class and you have the size of my high school graduating class. Will I ever wrap my head around the vastness of this district? Many people I'm sure would laugh at me considering this to be a huge school. But it's sure huge to me!!!
I need a haircut.
My mouth doesn't hurt anymore!!!!!!! Gah, it was awful. It's so nice to be able to talk. And eat. And drink without a straw. I was better yesterday, even able to have a two hour phone conversation with a friend.
We all know where my priorities lie: the television. Just a few minutes until House is on. Robert Sean Leonard. Yum. Emma and Audrey are watching Trading Spaces: Boys vs. Girls. They are hooked on the show. Tonight is also the first night for Dancing With the Stars. I'm taping that while watching House. What a busy night. Don't even try to call me.....
I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go in the other room and read a book. Groucho Marx
I often read while watching TV. What does that say about me??????

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