Thursday, October 11, 2007

Emma faces expulsion

Yes, you read that correctly. After all my bragging in the last entry you'd think this wouldn't be happening. But it is.

Emma received her first MMR vaccination 15 days before her first birthday. So it doesn't count. I need to remember not to put the correct date on forms, and to pretend that I no longer have her record book. I mean, it gets brought up every year, you'd think I'd have it figured out by now! (I think there's also something funky about Audrey's, but maybe I took care of that.) So I'll go to the school today and find out to whom I need our doctor (in Anacortes) to fax a form to saying, yes, it is OK that Emma's MMR shot was done before she turned one. And of course when I do that I'll hear again that the state only requires the month and year so why is the school making a big deal of this. Even if she had another booster now, it wouldn't make the problem go away. Every time it gets typed into the computer it would reject it for the same reason. I'll have to see what I need to do to make it permanently in her records that she is OK.

We went to the library yesterday and Emma checked out Anastasia Krupnik by Lois Lowry. I finally found a section on the Accelerated Reader website that would give me the AR levels of books. This one is a 4.5 or so. She started it last night and took it to school to see if the school has an AR test for it.

I was enjoying a little trip down book memory lane. Lois Lowry also wrote A Summer to Die and Find a Stranger, Say Goodbye. I can remember reading the first one, and the other title sounds really familiar. The fun part was finally realizing that the Lois I had been looking for was Lois Duncan. Stranger With My Face, Down a Dark Hall, Summer of Fear, and Daughters of Eve. Those are some great, and spooky, books!

I'd better get going so I can save my daughter from expulsion!

I guess I'll have to wait for tomorrow for International Moment of Frustration Scream Day.

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