Friday, September 28, 2007


It's raining here. I mean really raining. Not hard, pounding rain, but just rain. And a dark, cloudy sky that makes it look like it isn't going to stop raining any time soon. I think this is the third time we've had any rain at all since moving here on July 1st. Of course our sprinklers are still on...... Anybody else want to smack me upside the head for not seeding the spot where the pool had been?? And now the grass seed is in the back of my car. And my car is at Mike's Transmission.

Oh yes, the car saga continues. Yesterday I took it to Mike's. I'd called the day before to get pricing on a transfer case. He asked who told me I needed one, then suggested I bring the car in for him to drive and see if he could determine the problem based on the noise and hopefully not need a new ($1500 at the dealer, around $1000 anywhere online Justin has looked) transfer case. So I brought it in. He drove it. He said he'd never heard a sound like that before. Uh-oh. That doesn't sound promising. He brought it in the shop and listened to it---definitely coming from the transfer case, and sounds like something wants to blow apart. He highly recommends that I not drive it. So it's still there. Hopefully he'll be able to dig into it today. So now I have Justin's monster truck. eek

Audrey had her first Girl Scout meeting last night. Oh my. She was awfully quiet. Yes, I am talking about Audrey. She didn't know any of the girls, and some of the other girls do know each other. She'll make friends soon.

What a lucky thing the wheel was invented before the automobile; otherwise can you imagine the awful screeching? ~Samuel Hoffenstein

Just had to add this.....I minimized my internet screen and saw something unusual on my sidebar. I thought, wow, did I take a picture of a meteor shower? Uh, no. It's the little weather tag. I've never seen it show rain before. Usually there's a sun!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

I'm not dancing any longer

OK, this is pretty big news.....I have made the decision to not watch Dancing With the Stars this season. I know, I know, this is crazy talk! But I had been enjoying not watching much TV, so I figured I would abstain from the one program about which I was obsessed. Of course that doesn't mean I'm not going to watch any TV. But at least this should help a bit. But don't tell the girls! I don't think they even know the show has started again. They were just as into it as I was!

Last week in my blog I mentioned that I felt there was a lack of communication with the school. Guess what came home in the girls' folders that day! Yup, the info packet and membership form for PTO and the newsletter from the principal. Also, Emma's teacher sent home a letter. So of course I signed up for PTO. They only have two meetings a year. We'll see what I get called upon to help with.

Emma had her first Girl Scout meeting yesterday. And Audrey's is tomorrow. Both girls are excited to be Brownies! And I guess I'm excited to have them doing it. I just have a feeling I'll get sucked into volunteering more than I'd like. I may have to draw the line at any camping though!! As long as the girls are happy, right?

Bad news for Emma!! Today she was supposed to be able to take out her earrings. So last night I took them out so we could see how they were doing and she could try putting earrings in. One ear is a little infected. So we'll keep them in another week or so and take them out every other day to make sure the ears are really getting cleaned well. She was really upset.

Last weekend we went to Spangle for my nephew's dedication. Gus is such a cute kid! Hmmm....I should have gotten an all-cousins picture. Emma, Audrey, Andrew, Amelia, and Gus. I suppose I could have gotten Kara's belly full of Madelyn in there too! It was fun hanging out with Wes and Sara (well, with Sara anyway---you know how Wes is!) and seeing some family. Didn't see Laura at all (she was working), and only got to see my Mom at the church, but Kara and Andrew, my dad, and grandma all came to the house for brunch following the service. The pastor even pronounced Gus' name correctly!

I went walking again today. I did one fewer cul-de-sac than last time. My back is a bit sore and I just wanted to come home and stretch. My new mp3 player arrived on Monday so I tried it out today. It's such a cute little thing! A lime green Creative Zen Stone. I listened to the first hour (of ten) of Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman. I charged my player when I got back--I hope that doesn't mess with where I paused it! I found I walked much slower while listening to a book rather than music.

Justin's dad is coming today, so I should work a bit more on getting the house ready. And maybe myself too. I also need to get more information on where to take my car to get fixed. Like I even know what a transfer case is!! Luckily other people do, so I've been making some calls. You know, when I'm not shopping online for a new car......

Each day, the American housewife turns toward television as toward a lover. She feels guilty about it, and well she might, for he's covered with warts and is only after her money. ~Mignon McLaughlin, The Second Neurotic's Notebook, 1966

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Crusie & Kirsty

Have you read any books by Jennifer Crusie? I'm really enjoying her books. Her female characters are strong women often in their 30s, of normal size, and pretty darn lucky! No 20-something waifs here. You know how sometimes you read a book and just want to throttle the character? How many times have I thought to myself "if you'd just tell him the truth it would be OK, why must you try and 'fix' it in this sordid way?", and yet I still keep reading! With Crusie's books, I think more along the lines of "buck up and sleep with him already!" since the guy in question is often gorgeous, kind, generous, and a lover of woman of a normal physique. I just finished reading Bet Me and just had to reread the end scene again. It's been hard to get into this Iris Johansen book after that!

So that's Crusie. Now what about Kirsty? Well, they are actually somewhat related subjects. I read Don't Look Down a while ago and the main character listened to Kirsty MacColl--especially the song Us Amazonians. So I was on a quest to find her music. Found it. Like it.

(Regarding Don't Look Down, that book was a collaboration with Bob Mayer. An unlikely pair it appears, but who wrote a really fun book! Why unlikely? Read this.)

Yesterday I went walking (Kristi! Get off the floor! It's not that unlikely, is it? OK, I guess it is. Please, continue laughing.) and listened to Kirsty MacColl's Tropical Brainstorm. There were a few songs I didn't care for, but enough to keep me interested that I decided to walk long enough to finish the whole album. You should hear the girls and I sing Us Amazonians when we're in the car! Now that is an experience.....

I'm thinking this walking thing should continue. I walked up and down every cul-de-sac in our development twice. (Kristi! C'mon, you're going to wet yourself if you keep laughing like that.) It took me an hour. Of course I haven't done it yet today...... But I will! I think.

I bought a new, cheap, mp3 player to use for audiobooks. I am afraid that if just listen to music while I walk I'll start to sing. Bad idea. Why?
1) Nobody wants to hear my croaking
2) I'm sure if I did start singing I wouldn't be thinking and just sing whatever I'm listening to. Even if the lyrics are "she's hot she's hot she's hot/she's just a wild and wicked slut". And who can keep themselves from singing the refrain "sha-la-la-la-la get your rocks off baby"

So I'm sure you understand my plight. Now of course I have to pick my audiobooks carefully. Do I want something sad and wind up crying as I walk? Will people look at me strangely if I walk by them laughing while listening to a comedy. Or will I mutter to myself things like "if you'd just tell him the truth it would be OK, why must you try and 'fix' it in this sordid way?"

Wow. I should really find something to do with my time and stop obsessing about random things. Naw!

I was trying to daydream, but my mind kept wandering. ~Steven Wright

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Just another day

It's just another day in the life of Joy. Not much going on, but since I updated my book list, I thought I'd post. Something......

Yesterday I helped out in Audrey's class for a while. I was with a group and one boy asked if I was someone's mom. I told him that yes, I'm Audrey's mom. A girl sitting beside him said "No wonder you're so bossy." Huh. Not sure about that connection. Is Audrey bossy? Or was this just an easy way to let it out that she thought I was bossy. And I am! Oh yeah!! I was telling the kids they needed to (are you ready?) do their work. So now if Audrey comes home and says she wants "K" to come over I'll know to direct her to another friend instead.

I've really been enjoying this school and the people who work there, but the lack of communication is a little frustrating. I noticed a sign on the door yesterday about choir auditions, but didn't take in the particulars figuring the girls would bring something home about it. I mentioned it to the girls last night and they said, "yeah, it's tomorrow". I try to avoid being a pest (I know, I fail miserably at that), but do I need to drop by the school every day and look for flyers? What has really shocked me is that there has been nothing from the PTO. By now you'd think they'd be pushing membership at the very least. Emma of course still prefers Bay View. When I said I'd found something I didn't like about the school she said "Just now? I've found 50 things wrong with it. Maybe we should move." I reminded her that she absolutely loves her teacher.

The weather is starting to change here. But it's still blue skies and t-shirt weather. It's been starting a bit overcast, but getting nice. Yesterday I was surprised that it was under 70* and I was still comfortable in pants and a t-shirt. Fall is my favorite season, so I'm looking forward to it. And I can't wait to get out my Halloween decorations!! I know, I have a little more time to wait on that one. But I do have my Halloween craft books and magazines out......too bad there isn't a craft store in town.

I'll have my first volunteer shift at the library on Friday. I'd better practice my alphabet.

Happily we bask in this warm September sun,Which illuminates all creatures...~ Henry David Thoreau

Monday, September 17, 2007

'Tis the end of summer

Yep, it's over. We put the pool away yesterday. Now we have a big brown patch in our yard that smells like poo.

We swim because we are too sexy for a sport that requires clothes. ~Author Unknown

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Happy Anniversary!!

Yup. Twelve years ago today I donned my Gone With the Wind wedding dress and said I DO! Last night we celebrated with dinner at Tendrils. It's located near The Gorge Amphitheater at Cave B Winery. Beautiful location! Getting to the restaurant, we kept wondering if we were going in the right direction.....afraid we'd wind up in some Restricted/Winemakers Only area. But eventually we wound our way to the parking lot and enjoyed the easy walk past the Chef's Garden and grape vines to the Inn and restaurant. I'd called for reservations and we took the 5:30 option--the next one was at 7:30 and I figured with how many hours Justin has been working, and having been sick this week it would be best to go earlier. The dining room was empty when we arrived, but when we left it was full and kind of noisy. Justin's dinner was amazing!! He did the right thing in taking our server's advice and having the pork. We'd both been trying to decide between the pork and the lamb, so I ordered the lamb. It was very good, but after tasting the pork I just couldn't get excited about it. And yes, of course we enjoyed a bottle of Sagecliffe Cabernet. Yum!

So obviously, if we were able to go out alone we must have found someone to watch the kids! Finally!! I asked at the school office if anyone knew of babysitters. Lucky for us, the principal lives in our neighborhood and has a babysitting age daughter. Yahoo!!! The girls really enjoyed her too.

I updated my book list. It's kind of heavy on the Chick Lit right now, which I enjoy immensely of course, but still need to mix it up a bit. I really liked Paging Aphrodite by Kim Green. She's a great writer! Strong characters and I want sequels to both Paging Aphrodite and Is That a Moose in Your Pocket. I also just read Queen of Babble in the Big City. I really think Meg Cabot just needs to sit down and write more Queen of Babble books and forget about everything else!! C'mon Meg!! Get writing! I need more Lizzie!!!!!

The girls are still enjoying school. Tomorrow I'll help out in Audrey's class for the first time. I was supposed to go in last Monday, but I was sick....and so was Emma. I'm looking forward to helping out and meeting the kids. We'll see what I have to say at the end of the morning.....

It's so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life. ~Rita Rudner

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

"Maybe Baby"

That's the book I forgot! It's by Lani Diane Rich. The female character's last name is Wiley and the male's is Maybe. Whew! I'm glad that's all been figured out. I was at the library today and that cover happened to be facing out on the paperback carousel nearest me.

The girls are still liking school. And I'm still liking my alone time. :) Today I wandered into a couple of gift shops in town and picked up the new schedule for the local art studio. I'm almost feeling like a grown-up! Now I just need to find babysitters so Justin and I can go out. Heck, our anniversary is coming up soon---wouldn't that be a nice time to go out??!?

Well, I guess that's about it. I was just so darn excited to find that book! I'm sure I'll discover a ton of books I want to read when I start volunteering at the library! But first I need to figure out when I'll help out in Audrey's and Emma's classes. About time I had a schedule!

Might we not say to the confused voices which sometimes arise from the depths of our being: "Ladies, be so kind as to speak only four at a time?" ~Madame Swetchine