Friday, January 04, 2008

Nancy!! Avoid this movie!!!!

Zoom: Academy for Superheroes

It was a decent movie, but it made Audrey barf. Not in the "ewww it makes me want to barf" way but in the "Mommy, I threw up" way.

In the movie "the powers that be" (Rip Torn among them so y'know it's gotta be good) are trying to get together a Superhero Team. Of course there has to be auditions (even though we've already been "introduced" to those who will make it onto the team). One of the kids blows a booger out of one nostril and it explodes onto the scientist's (Chevy Chase) face. Completely and utterly gross. I'm surprised I didn't barf. Not at all surprised Audrey did. But oh so glad we didn't ever see it in the theater!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not exactly enough to get me to write my first review in well over a year. But enough to write in my blog late(-ish) at night. Blech.

On to my photomosaic puzzle!!! Maybe that will be

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