Sorry, it's hard to read this but it says "Open everything". And they did. They opened all the drawers in Emma's dresser.
Neurotic ramblings or life-changing prose?
Two happy girls on their way to school! The first day is always nice. Everyone has first day jitters and gets up really early. We were ready in plenty of time for me to drive them to school. Today the girls made it to the bus on time and I had even taken a shower! Of course I'm sure every day we'll wind up sleeping just a liiitttlle bit longer. No! No! Mustn't do that! Must awaken early! Oh who am I kidding?
I guess school is really the only big excitement right now. We're still slowly putting things away in the house. Justin worked on the garage quite a bit. He said he didn't put anything away yet, but has it all set up where things should go. It looks great in there! And yes, the Mustang looks lovely in there too. That heated garage will certainly make car work more pleasant this winter!
On Monday Justin and I tackled some of the excess growth in our landscaping. It's amazing how much changes in a year. I was so excited to see how big my hydrangeas had become! I'd wondered if they'd ever really do much. There's still so much to do---mostly inside the house. Many things are at the point of "OK, exactly where do we want this rather trivial item?" I have the most amazing kitchen! But I'm waaay too short to reach many of the cabinets. So I still have plenty of space in the upper cabinets---I just need to figure out which items I use so rarely that I won't mind climbing the big step stool to get to them.
I don't have anything else to do today, so in theory I should get a lot of our things put away. But in reality?? Ha!
You can teach a student a lesson for a day; but if you can teach him to learn by creating curiosity, he will continue the learning process as long as he lives. ~Clay P. Bedford
Emma had her piano recital Friday evening. She did a great job!! All the students did well, but of course we're partial to Emma's performance. I convinced Justin that we needed a new camcorder so that I could email videos and upload them to my blog. This is my first try--I hope it works!
I know it's hard to hear her (but she was so much louder during the performance than she was at the rehearsal); her songs are Theme From Symphony No. 5 by Peter Tschaikowsky and Music Box Rock by Willard A. Palmer. My mom and Justin's dad were both able to attend. Yay! Emma's other guest was "Nanny" Kay from the library. She's the reason Emma spoke as "loudly" as she did. I'd told her how darn quiet Emma was and she threatened to shout "What did you say Little Girl?!?!" if Emma wasn't loud enough. Scared Emma enough that she made sure she was audible.
Justin and I (yes, even I) worked on the Mustang this weekend. Justin pulled out the engine while I was at a candle party. My "work" consisted of pulling off the bumper, trying (and failing) to remove a few bolts, and handing Justin tools. But I got dirty!! Not as dirty as Justin of course. Most of the exterior hardware is off in preparation for painting. The interior looks different! We removed the seats and carpet. Wow. This is all going to look great when it's done.
Music produces a kind of pleasure which human nature cannot do without. ~Confucius
Heat, ma'am! it was so dreadful here, that I found there was nothing left for it but to take off my flesh and sit in my bones. ~Sydney Smith, Lady Holland's Memoir