Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The Bunny Vampire

She no longer looks like a mutant bunny rabbit! Now she's a bit more like a vampire. Audrey is way cute with those missing teeth!

Justin was one of many children who went sledding down the roof of the shed next to the house our group rented. Let's see....that's Emma with the pink hat. And it looks like Chad is getting ready to toss Audrey and her sled across the gap between the snow bank and the roof.

The snowmobilers! And look, nobody is pushing anyone else in the snow....no snowballs being hurled....a rare photo op!

So what has been happening lately? Well, I'm convinced that Ephrata is cursed. Two big bouts of stomach bug, a round of pinkeye for each girl, lice lice and more lice, and colds that don't ever stop. All that since we moved here in July. The girls brought home their report cards a couple weeks ago (excellent grades of course) and they had 4 or 5 absences each. Emma has a cough and a headache today. Gave her some Tylenol and sent her whining butt to school! Oh I hope she feels better! You know how you always feel worse first thing in the morning. By the time I get out of bed it's about 30 minutes before the bus comes. So by the time I get the girls out of bed they have about 20 minutes to do everything. Including whine about how I'm the worst mother in the world becasue I won't drive them to school. I can live with that.

Audrey will be seven years old in only one week! Wow. Hmm...guess I should maybe plan her party. Justin's mom is coming over this weekend and so is Nancy. So we'll have Audrey's party the Saturday after her birthday. Just a little party at the house.

There's really not much else to say. Guess now is a good time to stop.
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