Wednesday, November 29, 2006

I wish he'd stop

Yep, it happened again. But now there's a trace on my phone. If he calls again I just have to record the time of the call and contact my phone company within 24 hours. The phone company will then fax the info to the sheriff. I almost want him to call one more time so the call can be traced/tracked.

Mostly I just want this to end.

Do you ever wake up in the middle of the night with a weird dream in your head? Then you lie there and try to figure out how you can manipulate the dream when you fall back asleep. I had that over and over last night. But the harsh reality is that it isn't a dream. I can't suddenly become a kung-fu kick-boxing majorette with attitude and beat this guy senseless; then have that tingly feeling that even though it was a dream it still feels real (like the mornings I wake up mad at Justin because he cheated on me in a dream). I have to try and go to sleep every night knowing that some guy is out there who may call again. And say horrible things again.

It's got to end.

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