Friday, March 28, 2008


We leave tomorrow!! So of course I have a big list next to me. The most satisfying aspect of a list is the crossing off of completed items and tasks. And since that crossing out is so pleasurable, I make sure to have lots of little things to cross off.

For example, instead of "change guest bed sheets" I wrote "wash guest bed sheets", then crossed it off when completed. And I had written "make guest bed"--so two crossed off items for essentially one task. Yee-haw! I've been known to write:

for each load of laundry (listing whites, jeans, reds, etc). Yup. I'm a dork.

Of course my list isn't quite done. I still have:
balance checkbook

Y'know. Just the little things. Luckily laundry is almost done and I can get packing later today.


Sorry. Just saw a truck of hay go by. Justin likes saying that when he sees hay as we're driving. One day last summer he said it, we laughed, and Audrey said, "that just never gets old". Seriously! So that's why I say it and why I giggle a little.

Emma will attend the Math is Cool Competition in Wenatchee today. She's pretty nervous, but as a third grader her role is fairly small. This is more for them to see what it's like so they'll be ready for next year. I hope we aren't the only parents not going tonight. I can't see that there is much for us to watch. There is a Math Bowl or something, but it sounds like Emma is really only doing a written test. So of course I'll spend all evening stressed that I'm the horrible parent that didn't go. And Emma will be the only child riding the bus home. Oh yeah. I think that way.

There is a possibility that I could get called to the school to help Audrey with her Accelerated Reader test, so I should get showered and dressed. Audrey finished a Junie B. Jones book last night--her first true chapter book (82 pages). When she told her teacher she was reading it, Mrs. Jones said that I would probably have to come in and help with the computerized AR test. We'll see what she decides today. I need to run into town and get a spare key replaced anyway. I finally had spare house keys made for the girls, and one extra one for the neighbors or a hide-a-key kind of thing. The one I had made for Audrey (meaning the blue one rather than red or plain ol' silver) doesn't work. Bummer.

Off to start the day!

Oh, why can't we break away from all this, just you and I, and lodge with my fleas in the hills? I mean, flee to my lodge in the hills. ~S.J. Perelman, Will B. Johnstone, and Arthur Sheekman, Monkey Business

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