Monday, April 07, 2008

Break's over

We're home! We had an absolutely wonderful trip to the Oregon Coast. I uploaded my (188) pictures yesterday, so I'm hoping to take the time today to go through them and post some on this blog. We'll see if it happens today....


the girls boogie-boarding (the house we rented had kid sized wet suits)
tide pools
generally deserted beaches
the aquarium in Newport (and running into our neighbors there!! bizarre!)
no internet access & hardly any work calls for Justin
just finally getting to spend a lot of time all together as a family

Now I need to get ready to head to school, then grocery shop. We have no food! Audrey's wigging out without her milk! Then pick up the girls from school and take Emma to piano lessons. I might find enough time to post pictures..... But don't hold me to that!

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