Saturday, July 19, 2008

Yearly Yak

Today was the Katana company bbq. All four of us attended, and I commented more than once on how nice it was to be there and not home with a barfing kid. Yup, jinxed myself! So once again Emma and Justin are at the post-company bbq gathering and I'm home with a sick Audrey. Poor kid. At first we thought it was just heat and whininess, but it doesn't seem to be going away. At the bbq she kept complaining of the heat and wanting to go home. Whine whine whine. Nothing but whining. So we headed out to the car when it was all over and she threw up a couple of times. Then we couldn't shut her up! All the way home, blah blah blah happy happy blah. Then again later, as soon as she's done getting sick we can't get her to be quiet! Hopefully nobody else in the house will get this. This time.....

Wes, Sara, Amelia, and Gus were here last night and this morning. Gus hates me. And Wes loves it!! One of these days.......

Justin only has nine more working days left at Katana. He plans on taking a week or two off before starting his new job. Our big stress right now is this house in Ephrata not selling. Of course our other housing stress revolves around just when we get to move back into our other house!

Audrey asked me to sleep with her in the guest room tonight. I think it's time to get myself ready for bed. Of course once I go into my bathroom to do that, she'll wake up and be sick again. That's how it works, right?

If I had my way I'd make health catching instead of disease. ~Robert Ingersoll

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