Thursday, June 05, 2008

Mustang Joy

Yep, you read me right. Mustang Joy, not Mustang Sally. And why is that??? Because Joy now owns a 1965 Mustang!!! Can you believe it? I can't either. But it's true. Of course it's going to take a lot of work before you can see me cruising in it. But you know it will be worth it!

I've always wanted a Mustang. My dad had a 1967 (blue with blue vinyl hard-top) and my aunt had an orange 1965. Now I have a blue (Caspian Blue at that) 1965. I don't know why it's always been my classic car of choice, but it has. I can't wait to have it all done. I'm pretty sure Justin is looking forward to having a car project like this too.

Hmmm...since I'm already blogging I may as well continue. But not for too long. I do need to sleep eventually. At least Justin's dad arrived tonight and he'll take the girls to school in the morning. That gives me an extra 45 minutes!

So what else is new?

Not much really. School is out next week. You know how much I like to sleep in, so of course I'm looking forward to doing away with a morning schedule. There may be a few activities here and there, but nothing daily. Whew. I like to sleep. (so why am I not in bed now, at 11:09pm)

Ahh, but now it's time to sleep. Good night.

Take most people, they're crazy about cars. They worry if they get a little scratch on them, and they're always talking about how many miles they get to a gallon, and if they get a brand-new car already they start thinking about trading it in for one that's even newer. I don't even like old cars. I mean they don't even interest me. I'd rather have a goddam horse. A horse is at least human, for God's sake. ~J.D. Salinger, Catcher in the Rye


Anonymous said...

No. Way. I'm so jealous! A 66 Mustang has been my dream car for a very long time now. So when yours is ready for some cruising, can I come over?

Joy said...

Heck yeah!!! Leave the kids and husband behind though...