Wednesday, January 03, 2007


OK, I just tried twice to publish pictures and text to this blog. And it won't work!! It says it's working but I can't find the draft. Oh well. Maybe I'll try another day. Maybe not.

I watched the movie Brokeback Mountain last night. I suppose it was good, but I couldn't understand a damn thing Heath Ledger said! Is my hearing really that bad?

Audrey lost her first tooth this morning! Fortunately I did not have to pull it. I was on the computer (trying to put pictures on my darn blog) when she yelled "Mommy my tooth fell out!" Of course we immediately called Daddy and then took a picture to send to the relatives. She's pretty excited. Emma had told her that if she lost a tooth during vacation she wouldn't get to put her name in The Tooth Book at school. I told her that I was sure Mrs. Moller would write her name on the tooth for whichever month she lost it. But even today she was hoping it would stay in and come out tomorrow while she's at school. Now that it's happened though, she's pretty excited!

Yesterday I exercised. I did a Walk Away the Pounds video. I listened to my own music so I could enjoy myself and not listen to the host prattle on. However, I need to find my other headphones because the ones I used really hurt the inside of my ears. I need to exercise again today. WATP again or Belly Dancing? Whatever I do, I do it upstairs so nobody can see me. Not that we get a lot of visitors, but those windows sure leave me feeling exposed. If I do belly dancing I don't have to put shoes on. That may be enough motivation for me. It amazed me yesterday how much my feet hurt yesterday just walking in place.

Time to get some things done.

I found some good exercise quotes at and couldn't decide on just one.

My idea of exercise is a good brisk sit. ~Phyllis Diller

A bear, however hard he tries, grows tubby without exercise. ~A.A. Milne

I really don't think I need buns of steel. I'd be happy with buns of cinnamon. ~Ellen DeGeneres

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