Monday, September 11, 2006

Marian Keyes does it again...

I just finished Last Chance Saloon by Marian Keyes. I feel like I should reread Watermelon and Sushi for Beginners. Did I love those books all the way through? Or did I feel like they were hard to get into at first, then got tired of them in the middle, but muddled through and loved the end? 'Cause that's the way I've felt about Rachel's Holiday, Anybody Out There, and now Last Chance Saloon. I remember getting hooked on Keyes' books a while back. And now I'm rehooked having read a few more. But what drew me in to begin with? The writing? The characters? (I want to be Mammy Walsh some day.) The language? Or, should I say, the fecking language? Is it "chick lit" with an edge? An international edge? An Irish edge? Or am I just enamored with books?

Tomorrow (I can still say that for two minutes) Audrey starts school. Oh boy is she excited. Ecstatic. I'm surprised she went to sleep well tonight. I'm looking forward to coming home tomorrow morning and just staying around the house. No wondering "is the other mom tired of the playdate and sending my kid home", just coming home and knowing that at 2:30 I need to run out and pick up the girls. Wow! What will I do with myself? Mmmmm.....nothin'. You were right.

Readers are plentiful: thinkers are rare. Harriet Martineau

Um. I think I'm a reader......

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