Friday, September 28, 2007


It's raining here. I mean really raining. Not hard, pounding rain, but just rain. And a dark, cloudy sky that makes it look like it isn't going to stop raining any time soon. I think this is the third time we've had any rain at all since moving here on July 1st. Of course our sprinklers are still on...... Anybody else want to smack me upside the head for not seeding the spot where the pool had been?? And now the grass seed is in the back of my car. And my car is at Mike's Transmission.

Oh yes, the car saga continues. Yesterday I took it to Mike's. I'd called the day before to get pricing on a transfer case. He asked who told me I needed one, then suggested I bring the car in for him to drive and see if he could determine the problem based on the noise and hopefully not need a new ($1500 at the dealer, around $1000 anywhere online Justin has looked) transfer case. So I brought it in. He drove it. He said he'd never heard a sound like that before. Uh-oh. That doesn't sound promising. He brought it in the shop and listened to it---definitely coming from the transfer case, and sounds like something wants to blow apart. He highly recommends that I not drive it. So it's still there. Hopefully he'll be able to dig into it today. So now I have Justin's monster truck. eek

Audrey had her first Girl Scout meeting last night. Oh my. She was awfully quiet. Yes, I am talking about Audrey. She didn't know any of the girls, and some of the other girls do know each other. She'll make friends soon.

What a lucky thing the wheel was invented before the automobile; otherwise can you imagine the awful screeching? ~Samuel Hoffenstein

Just had to add this.....I minimized my internet screen and saw something unusual on my sidebar. I thought, wow, did I take a picture of a meteor shower? Uh, no. It's the little weather tag. I've never seen it show rain before. Usually there's a sun!

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