Wednesday, April 30, 2008

What? Wednesday?

Is it really Wednesday already? Tomorrow I will take Justin to the Tri-Cities (or one of them anyway, I guess I'll find out which one tomorrow) so he can have LASIK eye surgery. I know.... ewww! They even have a viewing area. Blech. Yes, I will have a book with me.

But which book shall I take? I've been reading kind of a weird genre of books lately. I'm not embarrassed by my book choices, per se. I guess it's sort of a guilty pleasure. I suppose paranormal romance could be the category. I've always liked ghosty stories, but now I seem to have made the leap to vampires, half-demons, werewolves, guardians of the Goblet of Eternal Life, dragons and their slayers, etc etc. Actually, I think Justin is the one who is embarrassed! One of the books in my "to be read" pile has a manly, naked chest on the front. Maybe that's the book I should take tomorrow! Actually, I'll probably still be trudging my way through Love and Other Near-Death Experiences. This author was recommended on the website of Christopher Moore (absolutely the funniest author ever) as one to read while waiting (impatiently) for another Christopher Moore book to be published. It's a good book, but I've been in a rut of quick, funny, weird, romantic books so it's hard to read a "real" book. many authors could I offend with that statement? Um, none since they don't read this blog.

The WASL is over so I go back to helping in Emma's "class" on Wednesday mornings. I'm not really in the classroom, I usually make copies, grade papers, or work one-on-one with students who need more help. This means most of the kids in Emma's class know me, but I can't put names with their faces most of the time. Audrey's classmates on the other hand....I definitely know them!

Audrey lost another tooth. She finally fulfilled her dream of having Mr. White pull it. Well, it sounds like "flick" is more accurate than "pull".

I'd better start getting ready if I'm going to make it to Emma's class at 8:30. I'm also hoping to put in an hour or so at the library. Otherwise I won't be in until Monday or Tuesday and my basket will definitely be full! I've barcoded all the adult and teen paperbacks and yesterday I started on the children's paperbacks. The end is in sight! I also need to make sure I have enough time at home to straighten up before Justin's mom comes this afternoon. She'll be here to take care of the girls and get them to school tomorrow so Justin and I can leave in time. There's just nobody here that I feel I know well enough to ask for help with this. But you know back home I'd have no trouble! (this is where Kristi and Nancy sigh with relief that we aren't there right now)

Always read something that will make you look good if you die in the middle of it. ~P.J. O'Rourke

(I don't think that'll happen with me)

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